
Project partners Project initiator: Dr. Wilfried Stoll, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Festo AG Project team: Dipl.-Des. Elias Knubben, Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Markus Fischer, Festo AG & Co. KG Membrane Technology: Bernd Lorenz, Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Achim Schanze, Walter Harrer, Festo AG & Co. KG Hardware design, electronics: Dipl.-Ing. (FH)Walter Suchy, Dr.-Ing. Otto Szenn, Festo AG & Co. KG Model: Christoph Altekamp, Dipl.-Desc. cand. Matthias Kübler, Stuttgart, Germany Fin Ray Effect®: Leif Kniese, Evologics GmbH, Berlin, Germany Aquarium: Association for fisheries and waters protection in the State of Baden Württemberg; Dr. Michael Schramm, Stuttgart, Germany, Roger Thollembeek, Böblingen, Germany Graphic Design: Atelier Frank, Berlin, Germany Photography: Walter Fogel, Angelbachtal, Germany, Oliver Meckes, Reutlingen, Germany Festo AG & Co. KG Ruiter Strasse 82 73734 Esslingen Germany Phone +49 711347-0 Telefax +49 711347-2155 Specifications Length: 100 cm Width: 28 cm Height: 45 cm Weight: approx. 4 kg Material used for head, structure and tail fin: laser-sintered polyamide Material used for skin: silicone Propulsion system using four Fluidic Muscles of diameter “5” (prototype, not commercially available yet) Compressed air storage: 1.5 litre bottle, max. pressure: 300 bar