Project partners Project initiator: Dr. Wilfried Stoll, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Festo AG Project manager: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Markus Fischer, Corporate Design, Festo AG & Co. KG Concept and design: Dr. Rudolf Bannasch, Leif Kniese, EvoLogics GmbH, Berlin, Germany CAD realisation: Eugen Olenev, Institute of Design, Micro and Medical Technology, Technical University of Berlin, Germany Mechanical components: Leif Kniese, Robin Woznitza, Jörg Drews, Frank Prietzel, EvoLogics GmbH, Berlin, Germany Stefanie Silbermann, Faculty of Design, Art Academy BerlinWeissensee, Germany Peter Breuer, Faculty of Mechatronis, Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg, Germany Sensors, electronics and hardware: Dipl.-Ing. Sergey Yakovlev, Dipl.-Ing. Georgiy Pleskach, EvoLogics GmbH, Berlin, Germany Software: Dipl.-Ing. Maksym Komar, EvoLogics GmbH, Berlin, Germany Technical consultant: Dr. Dipl.-Phys., Dipl.-Kfm. Werner Fischer, Munich, Germany Photos: Walter Fogel, Angelbachtal, Germany Graphic design: Atelier Frank, Berlin, Germany Festo AG & Co. KG Ruiter Strasse 82 73734 Esslingen Germany Phone +49 711347-0 Telefax +49 711347-2155 Technical data Overall length: 0.77 m Dry chamber: 0.42 m Max. torso diameter: 0.19 m Wing span: 0.66 m Weight in air: 9.6 kg Materials Torso: laminated fibreglass-reinforced plastic Head and tail segments: 3D Fin Ray Effect®structure of stitched plastic elements Wings: compound of spring steel wire, silicon, polyamide upper surface Skin: polyamide, with elastane additive Ropes and lines: high-tensile polyethylene fibre Drive/control units Principal drive: electric, 12 V (70 mNm) Gearing: 43:1 planetary gear (7 Nm) Actuators: Dymond DS 9900 Coreless Digital Power supply: LiPo accumulators, 11.1 V, 15 Ah Operation: completely autonomous Max. speed: 5 km/h / 2.7 kn Duration of operation: 6 – 7 hours Sensors: 1 four-beam front-looking sonar 1 pressure sensor Onboard processor: AVR Mega 128 2 x RS232, 8-kilobyte EEPROM 64-kilobyte RAM Brands: Fin Ray Effect®is a trademark of EvoLogics GmbH, Berlin, Germany 54711/EN 3D sonar