
27 26 Interesting facts about artificial photosynthesis – The processes of artificial photosynthesis are 20 times more efficient than those occurring in nature. – The artificial droplets have a diameter of around 90 micrometres. – These are synthetically produced water-in-oil drops that contain components of plant organisms, enzymes and biocatalysts. Algae instead of petroleum? – Around a quarter of global petro- leum consumption is accounted for by industrial production. – Around 90 per cent of all chemical products manufactured in Germany are currently based on petroleum as a raw material. – Production of a single bottle of shampoo requires more than a litre of petroleum; about three kilograms of carbon dioxide are released into the atmosphere in the process. – Plastic packaging and products, detergents, medicines or cos- metics could be made from carbon dioxide-neutral PHB produced throughout the world by algae in photo-bioreactors, rather than on the basis of petroleum. – Photo-bioreactors are around three times more efficient than today’s photovoltaic units. – There are some 7,000 algae production sites worldwide, producing about 25,000 tonnes of algae per year. – Algae can be given residual materials from agricultural and food production as nutrients. – Increased use of photo- bioreactors worldwide would require effective, auto- mated and energy-efficient gassing of the units. – Biologisation in a circular economy is preparing the global growth market for photo-bioreactors. General information on photo-bioreactors