
04 01 03 02 BionicFinWave $utonoPouV naviJation throuJh a SiSe V\VteP fiOOed with water 02: Natural role models: the wave VhaSed fin PovePent on the cuttOefiVh and wiOd Parine SOanarian 03: Unique drive: the unduOatinJ Potion oI the Će[ibOe ViOicone finV 01: Bionic technology platform: used in Oiquid Pedia 04: Delicate mechanical system: the ' Srinted cranNVhaIt with attached Oever arP 1ature teacheV uV in iPSreVVive IaVhion what the oStiPaO drive V\VtePV Ior SarticuOar VwiPPinJ PovePentV OooN OiNe With the beatinJ winJV oI the Panta ra\ the recoiO SrinciSOe oI the MeOO\fiVh and the adaStive Vtructure oI a fiVhnV taiO fin FeVto haV aOread\ technicaOO\ reSroduced VeveraO oI theVe IaVcinatinJ IorPV oI Pove Pent IroP the aniPaO worOd For the BionicFinWave the bionicV teaP haV now been inVSired b\ the unduOatinJ fin PovePent which iV uVed aPonJ other crea tureV b\ the wiOd Parine SOanarian the cuttOefiVh and the 1iOe Serch Unique swimming manoeuvres in all directions 7he coPPon Ieature oI theVe creatureV iV their finV runninJ OenJth wa\V 7he\ run IroP head to taiO and are Oocated either on the bacN the VtoPach or on both VideV oI the bod\ ,n order to SroSeO thePVeOveV the fiVh uVe their finV to Jenerate a continuouV wave which advanceV aOonJ their entire OenJth 7hiV unduOation SuVheV the water behind creatinJ a Iorward thruVt &onverVeO\ the crea tureV can aOVo VwiP bacNwardV in thiV wa\ and deSendinJ on the wave Sattern create uSOiIt downIorce or even OateraO thruVt 8VinJ thiV unduOation SrinciSOe the BionicFinWave now Pan oeuvreV itVeOI indeSendentO\ throuJh a SiSe V\VteP Pade oI acr\Oic JOaVV $t the VaPe tiPe the autonoPouV underwater robot iV abOe to coPPunicate with the outVide worOd wireOeVVO\ and tranVPit data r Vuch aV the recorded VenVor vaOueV Ior tePSerature and SreVVure r to a tabOet Flexible silicone fins from a cast 7o Pove aOonJ the BionicFinWave uVeV itV two Vide finV which are coPSOeteO\ caVt IroP ViOicone and PaNe do without VtrutV or other VuSSort eOePentV 7hiV PaNeV theP e[trePeO\ Će[ibOe and thuV abOe to iPSOePent the Ćuid wave PovePent oI their bioOoJicaO roOe PodeOV in a wa\ that iV true to nature For thiV SurSoVe the two finV on the OeIt and riJht are each IaVten ed to nine VPaOO Oever arPV which have a deĆection anJOe oI … 7he Oever arPV in turn are driven b\ two Vervo PotorV Oocated in the bod\ oI the underwater robot 7wo attached cranNVhaItV tranV Ier the Iorce to the OeverV in Vuch a wa\ that the two finV can Pove individuaOO\ 7he\ can thereb\ Jenerate diIIerent wave SatternV ,n order to VwiP in a curved Oine Ior e[aPSOe the outer fin PoveV IaVter than the inner one r ViPiOar to the chainV on a diJJer $ third Vervo Potor on the head oI the BionicFinWave controOV the Će[ure oI the bod\ which heOSV it to VwiP uS and down 6o that the cranN VhaItV are VuitabO\ Će[ibOe and VuSSOe a cardan Moint iV fitted be tween each Oever VeJPent For thiV SurSoVe the cranNVhaItV in cOudinJ the MointV and the connectinJ rod were Pade out oI a Vin JOe Siece oI SOaVtic with the ' SrintinJ Pethod Optimally designed body with integrated onboard electronics 7he rePaininJ eOePentV in the BionicFinWavenV bod\ are aOVo ' Srinted which enabOeV itV coPSOe[ JeoPetrieV in the firVt SOace With their cavitieV the\ act aV Ćotation unitV $t the VaPe tiPe the entire controO and reJuOation technoOoJ\ V\V teP iV watertiJht and inVtaOOed VaIeO\ 7huV beVideV the circuit board with a SroceVVor and rePote PoduOe the Iront oI the bod\ aOVo houVeV a SreVVure VenVor and uOtraVound VenVorV 7he\ con VtantO\ PeaVure the diVtanceV to the waOOV aV weOO aV the tePSera tureV in the water thuV SreventinJ coOOiVionV with the SiSe V\VteP Intelligent interaction of a wide range of components $ SrerequiVite Ior thiV autonoPouV and VaIe naviJation waV to deveOoS VPaOO eIficient aV weOO aV watertiJht and water reViVtant coPSonentV that can be coordinated and controOOed with the cor reVSondinJ VoItware FeVto waV thuV abOe to technicaOO\ iPSOePent an unduOatinJ fin drive that iV SarticuOarO\ VuitabOe Ior a VOow and SreciVe PovePent and whirOV uS water OeVV than a conventionaO Vcrew drive doeV Ior e[aPSOe New impetus and approaches With the bionic technoOoJ\ SOatIorP FeVto iV once aJain creatinJ iPSetuV Ior Iuture worN with autonoPouV robotV and new drive technoOoJieV uVed in Oiquid Pedia ,t wouOd be conceivabOe to de veOoS conceStV OiNe the BionicFinWave Iurther Ior taVNV OiNe inVSec tionV PeaVurinJ VequenceV or data coOOectionV r Ior inVtance Ior the water and VewaJe technoOoJ\ or other areaV in SroceVV auto Pation ,n addition the NnowOedJe Jained durinJ the SroMect can be uVed Ior the PanuIacturinJ PethodV oI VoIt roboticV coPSonentV 2 Festo AG & Co. KG 3 BionicFinWave: underwater robot with unique fin drive