5 … and programming the highly complex control algorithms … … through to cutting the cord thanks to the mobile energy supply on board Stimulus for production of the future Besides the technical implementation of the unique jumping kine- matics, the BionicKangaroo demonstrates several aspects of inte- grated automation at once: The system brings its components together in the smallest space. The many functions are coordinated using a highly complex control technology system. For Festo, the principle of permanent diagnostics is a guarantee of operational safety and process stability – whether on bionic objects or in an everyday industrial environment. Other interesting approaches for the automation technology of the future are the concept of recovering, storing and efficiently reusing potential energy as well as the energy supply system thanks to mobile pneumatics. Energy recovery in the automation sector In industrial automation, knowledge about energy recovery and storage plays an important role – for instance when it comes to recovering heat on compressors or feeding electrical energy back into the mains. Intelligent combination of pneumatics and electrics With the artificial kangaroo, Festo also shows how pneumatic and electric drive technology are combined in a highly dynamic system. The kangaroo achieves its high jumping power with the aid of pneu- matics. Pneumatic actuators are generally powerful and highly dynamic. They are comparatively light and pliable, which means they also act as shock absorbers for the kangaroo on landing. In the places where the highest positioning accuracy is called for, electric motors are used – for example, when it comes to control- ling the tail and hip. Efficient solutions from the right selection In everyday industrial situations too, the respective application decides whether the best solution is based on pneumatic or elec- trical drives or both. As a specialist in both technologies, Festo offers its customers tailored solutions and supports them with a comprehensive ser- vice and the appropriate simulation tools. Holistic approach: The team spent two years on the technical implementation – from the right choice of materials …