
BionicWorkplace Self-learning workplace for human-robot collaboration Robotino ® Autonomous transport of material between BionicMotionRobot and BionicWorkplace EXCM planar surface gantry with laser cutter Production of individual workpieces accord- ing to the template of a CAD model Pneumatic linear axis DGCI Extra degree of freedom for the BionicCobot Variable height adjustment DMSP pneumatic muscle and pneumatic locking mechanism Festo Motion Terminal VTEM Precise control of the BionicCobot 180° 3D camera Recording the entire working environment for remote manipulation using virtual reality BionicCobot Collaborative assembly to take the strain off the worker 4x infrared camera Recording the worker’s position using the infrared markers on their work clothing (wearable) 3D camera Object detection and deter- mination of the ideal gripping points on the respective object Branched carbon struts With 3D printed node elements and integrated wiring to precisely attach all the components 2x 3D camera with depth perception Object detection on the work surface Tablet interface Manual operation of the workplace and teaching of the robot arm 3D camera with depth perception Detects the worker‘s direction of view and head movements Interactive projection screen Visual displays to support the worker, such as design instructions, depiction of the process steps or multimedia functions Automatically adjustable lighting Optimal light conditions for worker and cameras Projector Display on the projection screen The entire workplace has a modular design. It can be adapted depending on the requirements and tasks. The branched design of its lightweight struts allows integrated cable routing to the peripheral devices, which are optimally coordinated and positioned so that they do not impair the worker’s working space. Due to the parametric design of the lightweight con- struction, the workplace is easily arranged: all the rele- vant attachment points and cable routing are defined during the planning stage of the workplace. Based on the parametrically designed construction principles, the CAD software is then able to generate the node elements and pipe pieces largely independently. Modular control cabinet Flexibly extendible housing for electronics, computer and compressed air tanks