
4 Functional unit: the pair of wings on one side Decentralised power generation: highly efficient conversion of wind power into electricity Self-optimising system in all wind strengths As the wind speed is normally changing constantly, the system must react accordingly to its environment. Thanks to its intelligent control technology, the DualWingGenerator can adjust itself to different surrounding conditions and always sets itself at right angles to the wind direction. In order to produce as much energy as possible, the system must optimally coordinate six key parameters to the respective wind speed. 1. The flapping frequency of the wings How fast a wing flaps essentially depends on the mechanical properties of the system. A certain variation range results from the wings’ angle of incidence as well as the load that is exposed to the wind – in other words, how much energy is taken from the system. The following rule applies here: the higher the load, the greater the braking effect on the kinematics. 2. The amplitude of the wing beat How far the wings travel apart and come back together during their lift is determined by the triggering of the rotary movement. This point in time can also have a critical influence on the distance between the wings and hence the system’s energy efficiency. 3. The angle of incidence in the wing roots The system controls the angle settings for rotating the aerofoils towards the oncoming wind directly via the activation of the two servomotors. 4. The time for triggering the rotation The point in time at which the wings are rotated can be controlled depending on the height of lift and is a key optimisation parameter. In this respect, the system adjusts to the respective situation in fractions of a second. 5. The setting speed of the wing rotation How quickly the wings adjust their angle of incidence for converting the lift is also controlled by the motors in the wing roots. 6. Stiffness of the preloaded springs How quickly the lift direction is converted depends on the add- itional energy that has been collected in the preloaded springs at both ends of the lift path before the direction conversion. The more energy that is available for accelerating the pair of wings after the direction conversion, the higher the lifting frequency. The stiffness of the preloaded springs is currently a static parameter. The maximum angle of incidence, the time for triggering the rotation and the setting speed are dynamic parameters and can be optimised independently. The system uses these dynamic parameters and the prevailing wind speed to derive the frequency and amplitude of the wing lift. When set in the optimal way, this creates the fluid-mechanical effects which allow the energy to be taken from the system efficiently.