
3 Imitation: As is also the case with its example in nature … … the hand helps the LearningGripper to learn. Flexible: Three degrees of freedom provide each finger with the basic functions of the human index finger. Pneumatic bellows-kinematic system The LearningGripper reduces the human hand to four abstract fingers, each of which possesses three degrees of freedom and the basic functions of the human index finger. Each degree of freedom has an angle range of ± 25°. The gripper’s kinematic system is operated with low pressure between 2.5 and 3.5 bar. Highly complex coordination Retracting, advancing or maintaining its current position – by using proportional valves (MPYE) and the pressure transmitter (SPTE) from Festo, the 12 pneumatic bellows structures can be moved to any required intermediate or end position. Each finger can thus be moved in three directions. Just in its initial state, the hand has a total of 3¹² actions to choose from in order to reposition the ball. Thanks to intelligent coordination of the fingers and the flexible polyamide bellows structure, the kinematic system is pliable and can move freely. It can reliably grip, lift and rotate even the most sensitive objects – just like its example in nature. The human hand is a highly versatile tool. It can be very powerful, as well as extremely delicate and sensitive. Many of the characteristics exhibited by objects are best appreciated with the hands – for example, shape, size and texture, as well as temperature and weight. Gripping and learning – intelligent interaction There are theories stating that human beings are only as intelligent as they are because the hand can carry out so many complex tasks. Babies start gripping objects very early – for example, their mothers’ fingers. As soon we learn to correctly grasp an object, we can turn it and look at it from all sides. Only this enables the human mind to reconstruct a three-dimensional object. The hand is thus a learning tool for the human being as well. And, people learn in two different ways: explicitly and implicitly. In the case of explicit learning, an exact pattern is provided which has to be imitated or learned. Implicit learning is understood as the unconscious or playful acquisition of skills and knowledge while an activity is being carried out.