3 Model for the flying object: the geometrical band after Paul Schatz Inspiring: pulsatory drive by turning inside-out Process-safe: continuous real-time diagnostics Rhythmic alternation between expansion and contraction The flying object is kept in motion by the pulsatory drive mechanism. The inversion is effected by the interplay between diastole and systole – in other words the rhythmic sequence of expansion and contraction. Two phases of advance, two phases of rest: drive by inversion In the course of a full rotation of the inversion process, the centre opens up and assumes the form of a triangle pointing downwards. In the next inversion phase, an upward facing triangle is formed. During these two phases, the geometrical band generates thrust and moves forward. The triangle then closes twice in succession; SmartInversion generates no thrust during these two phases and remains stationary. In an analogy from nature, this is comparable to the peristaltic propulsion of a jellyfish. Inversion with no dead centre To support the inversion process, the three servo motors are coordinated in parallel by an onboard unit. Depending on the phase, two of the servo units advance and one operates in retrograde. During certain phases, however, the servo motors are required to operate in contrary motion. For this purpose, the mathematical model of the geometrical band is stored in four phases in the onboard unit, which controls the servo motors by this means. Inversion without a dead centre is thereby ensured, so the inversion process can be initiated at any point. Process-safe operation with condition monitoring While SmartInversion is in motion, data such as battery charge level and power consumption are recorded and analysed in real time. The principle of permanent diagnostics guarantees Festo process-safe operation in automation technology. An airborne geometrical band To produce the invertible geometrical belt, the three “petals” of the docking station open up like a flower. The middle section – the helium-filled geometrical band – detaches itself from the starshaped base, which remains in position as a docking station. The helium compensates for the weight of the geometrical band and provides the flying object with buoyancy. 2,130 litres of helium are required to generate approximately 2,334 grams of buoyancy, so that the object can move through the air. The forward propulsion is generated by the inversion of the object; this principle can thus be referred to as an inversion drive. Lightweight design with six identical prisms The geometrical band is composed of six identical prisms. Each prism consists of two carbon-fibre end rods and four peripheral rods, likewise of carbon fibre; these together form the outer framework. Each of these structures is enclosed by a gas-tight membrane. The six individual prisms are filled with helium. Within each prism, 14 bulkheads keep the outer membrane in position, thereby maintaining the precise shape of the prism with geometrically correct angles.