
3.1 Staff development Committed, performance-oriented, qualified and adaptable employees are one of the prerequisites for Festo’s business success. We therefore strive to attract, retain and develop the best employees. In 2021, the Festo Group had a total of 20,757 employees in 62 countries worldwide.  GRI 102-8 Employment contracts by gender and region The total number of permanent and temporary employment contracts is shown in the graphic below. There are also activities carried out by trainees and students that do not fall into these two categories. In 2019, this number was 599, in 2020 the number was 582 and in 2021 the number increased to 753.  GRI 102-8 New employees and employee turnover The following shows both the total number of new employees and employee turnover by gender, age group and region. In 2020, there was a reduced employee turnover due to the pandemic. In 2021, the employee turnover is at the same level as before the pandemic.  GRI 401-1 Attractive employer All in all, various programmes and measures help Festo to position itself as an attractive employer. With solutions such as working remotely and new concepts for the ‘new normal’, we offer our employees further attractive options for individual organisation of their working hours. 3. People at Festo 3. People at Festo 3% 26% 65% 6% temporary, female permanently employed, female permanently employed, male temporary, male 3% 26% 65% 6% temporary, female permanently employed, female permanently employed, male temporary, male Asia (3,551) 71% 29% Europe (6,030) 5% 95% The Americas (2,332) 100% Germany (8,236) 5% 95% 0 20 40 60 80 100 temporary permanently 3% 26% 64% 7% temporary, female permanently employed, female permanently employed, male temporary, male 3% 26% 64% 7% temporary, female permanently employed, female permanently employed, male temporary, male Asia (3,699) 64% 36% Europe (5,870) 6% 94% The Americas (2,273) 1% 99% Germany (8,437) 6% 94% 0 20 40 60 80 100 temporary permanently Asia (3,699) 64% 36% Europe (5,870) 6% 94% The Americas (2,273) 1% 99% Germany (8,437) 6% 94% 0 20 40 60 80 100 temporary permanently 3% 26% 65% 6% temporary, female permanently employed, female permanently employed, male temporary, male 3% 26% 65% 6% temporary, female permanently employed, female permanently employed, male temporary, male Asia (3,513) 69% 31% Europe (5,834) 4% 96% The Americas (2,273) 100% Germany (8,224) 5% 95% 0 20 40 60 80 100 temporary permanently GRI 102-8: Information on employees and employment by gender and region Employees by gender and region in 2021 20,149 Employees by gender and region in 2020 Employees by gender and region in 2019 20,279 19,841 female male 36% 64% female male 32% 68% 15% 35% 29% 21% The Americas Europe Germany Asia 9% > 50 years 55% < 29 years 36% 30−49 years 12% 36% 33% 22% The Americas Europe Germany Asia 19% > 50 years 39% < 29 years 41% 30−49 years female male 31% 69% female male 32% 68% 20% 44% 16% 20% The Americas Europe Germany Asia 9% > 50 years 52% < 29 years 39% 30−49 years 13% 33% 28% 26% The Americas Europe Germany Asia 25% > 50 years 31% < 29 years 44% 30−49 years GRI 401-1: New employees and employee turnover by gender in 2020 GRI 401-1: New employees and employee turnover by age in 2020 995 1,651 New employees in 2020 Employee turnover in 2020 995 1,651 995 1,651 GRI 401-1: New employees and employee turnover by gender in 2021 GRI 401-1: New employees and employee turnover by age in 2021 GRI 401-1: New employees and employee turnover by region in 2020 2,046 2,107 New employees in 2021 Employee turnover in 2021 2,046 2,107 2,046 2,107 GRI 401-1: New employees and employee turnover by region in 2021 24 25 Festo SE & Co. KG Sustainability Report 2021 Festo SE & Co. KG Sustainability Report 2021