
28% 15% 57% > 50 years < 29 years 30−49 years female male 29% 71% female male 11% 89% 27% 16% 57% > 50 years < 29 years 30−49 years 50% 0% 50% > 50 years < 29 years 30−49 years 46% 0% 54% > 50 years < 29 years 30–49 years female male 29% 71% female male 11% 89% 29% 14% 57% > 50 years < 29 years 30−49 years female male 30% 70% female male 11% 89% 52% 0% 48% > 50 years < 29 years 30−49 years By gender in 2020 By gender in 2020 20,278 949 1,176 19,840 By age in 2020 By age in 2020 GRI 405-1: Diversity by gender and age Employees Management bodies By gender in 2019 By gender in 2019 By age in 2019 By age in 2019 949 20,278 1,176 19,840 By gender in 2021 20,149 By age in 2021 20,149 By gender in 2021 1,175 By age in 2021 1,175 Festo Group total 105 nationalities Festo SE & Co. KG 72 nationalities Asia 28 nationalities The Americas 31 nationalities Europe 77 nationalities (without SE & Co. KG) GRI 405-1: Diversity by nationality in 2021 3.3 Diversity In our globally active company, employees and business partners of different nationalities, cultures, religions and approaches to life come together. Respect, tolerance, appreciation, fairness and openness are the basic requirements for this cooperation. Diversity by nationality We are convinced that mixed teams can work more creatively and efficiently than homogeneous groups. In terms of origin, we continue to benefit from the cultural diversity of our workforce. In 2021, employees from 105 nations successfully came together at Festo. This diversity helps us, as a company active in more than 60 countries, to understand the specific needs of our customers worldwide. You can find more on diversity by nationality in the top chart on the right. Diversity by age and gender In 2020, a total of 1,176 people were employed in senior management (levels E, F1 and F2) worldwide. This corresponded to about 6 per cent of the total workforce. In 2021, the number of people in senior management remained constant. The charts on the following page show the diversity of management bodies and employees by age and gender.  GRI 405-1 Against the backdrop of demographic change and the promotion of diversity within the company, we have been encouraging our managers since 2020 to evaluate female employees and younger junior staff in terms of their potential and a next career step and prepare them for our talent management programme. 3. People at Festo Women@Festo – the women’s network at Festo Women@Festo is a network of women for women within Festo Germany. The women’s network, human resources and the ‘Work and family of the works council Esslingen’ committee conducted a survey on equal opportunities in May 2021. The aim was to find a status quo. In addition, the survey results were subsequently discussed in a workshop with 160 female colleagues, the Women@ Festo network, the head of Personnel and the works council, and possible fields of action were defined. The first immediate measure was and is to improve communication on the offers already provided by Festo for its employees. The format ‘Women@Festo asks ...’ was implemented here. Other measures will follow. The survey was directed at all female employees at the Esslingen locations with access to a PC. The Esslingen colleagues currently without access to a PC and the colleagues at the Saarland locations will be interviewed at a later date for technical reasons. In total, over 1,300 women were contacted and 666 took part in the survey. Proud@Festo – the LGBTIQ network at Festo Proud@Festo is the LGBTIQ network (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer) at Festo. The aim is to network LGBTIQ people and staff who uphold the visibility of diverse characters and lifestyles and for a tolerant life together. Specifically, it is about: • Promoting visibility and acceptance. • Enable networking. • Being a point of contact for employees and management. • Providing impetus on LGBTIQ issues in the company. • Supporting the Festo Corporate Responsibility. • Representing Festo in the context of LGBTIQ beyond company borders. 3. People at Festo 28 29 Festo SE & Co. KG Sustainability Report 2021 Festo SE & Co. KG Sustainability Report 2021