
In 2021, one case was reported, processed and closed in Germany. Following a complaint, the responsible manager is made aware of their responsibilities.  GRI 406-1 Inclusion at Festo By signing the inclusion agreement, the Festo Group in Germany would like to support the requirements set out in the employer duties defined in the German Social Code, book 9. The design options of severely disabled people and the representation of their interests are taken into account and actively promoted by the company. We see the inclusion of disabled people, especially severely disabled people and their equal rights in working life, not only as a legal obligation, but also as a social obligation, the fulfilment of which is the joint responsibility of all those involved. Inclusion is actively promoted in the following business processes and structures: recruitment and employment of severely disabled people, working time and mobile work, company promotion and qualification, workplace and work organisation, health management, prevention and company integration management. The objectives of this agreement are occupational and social inclusion and the provision of the necessary framework conditions for the participation of severely disabled people in working life at Festo. This commitment is also expressed in the Festo Group’s Code of Conduct. Compliance with the measures is jointly reviewed by the company management and the representatives of the severely disabled and the works council on the basis of the agreed measures and prepared in the annual progress report. 3. People at Festo Discrimination Festo rejects, without exception, any form of discrimination, harassment, degradation or other disparagement as well as the preferential treatment of employees or business partners on the basis of their ethnic origin, gender, religion, world view, political view, disability, age, sexual identity or other ethical, social and legally protected characteristics. Our managers and employees should be aware of their role model function here and ensure a working environment free of discrimination and harassment. The General Act on Equal Treatment (AGG) transposes four EU directives into German law. In 2021, the intranet site of the internal AGG complaint offices was launched. In addition, there was a training offensive for all members of the complaints offices. The aim was to establish a common understanding and to better understand the legal side as well as to discuss the process-related structures. Festo Germany is also committed to the ‘Respect – no room for racism’ campaign. In addition, the topic of discrimination is repeatedly addressed and discussed in various courses (such as part of the course on compliance) and also among managers. At Festo in Germany, incidents of discrimination can be submitted to a specially established complaints office. There is an established process for this, which is laid down in a regulatory agreement between the company and employee representatives. The principles and procedures of the AGG are taken into account. Internationally, incidents of discrimination can be reported on the whistle-blower portal. 3.4 Training The coronavirus pandemic was also a decisive factor for training at Festo in 2021. New normal in training In 2021, the first virtual sustainability day for second-year commercial trainees was held. Information relevant to the company on sustainability and company environmental management was conveyed interactively. Virtual ‘at-home work placements’ were continued in 2021. The training content was taught using the Festo Learning Experience (Festo LX) digital platform. International training As a global company, we also undertake responsible training activities in other countries – over and above the standards found there. Vocational education systems worldwide were also aligned with the German dual work–study system in 2021. For example, the dual bachelor programme in electrical engineering was put in place in China. The first students have already started their training. We have been training in India for three years. This year, two female CNC turning and milling apprentices already took the second and third place in a national competition and qualified to compete at federal state level – the preliminary competition for Worldskills. In Germany, two federal performance centres for mechatronics (Esslingen) and Industry 4.0 (Rohrbach) were opened. Our trainers use their expertise to prepare the participants of the German national team for the world championship of professions. Trainees worldwide The charts below show apprentice numbers worldwide throughout 2019–2021. Declining numbers of trainees in the countries are due to fluctuations in demand (including changes in occupational profiles). The total number of Festo trainees has remained almost constant on an international level. The figures for 2019 and 2020 were corrected because the definition of trainees was refined and there were isolated fluctuations. Investment in training In Germany, investments in our training amounted to around EUR 11 million in 2018, just under EUR 10.7 million in 2019, EUR 9.8 million in 2020 and approximately EUR 9.9 million in 2021. 3. People at Festo 3% 5% 20% 67% 3% Switzerland 2% USA India China Germany Hungary 3% 7% 19% 63% 7% Switzerland 1% USA India China Germany Hungary 4% 6% 22% 57% 11% Switzerland 0% USA India China Germany Hungary Trainees worldwide in 2019–2021 2019 503 trainees 2020 488 trainees 2021 552 trainees 30 31 Festo SE & Co. KG Sustainability Report 2021 Festo SE & Co. KG Sustainability Report 2021