2 Bilder aus Compliance-Serie (1x Flüstern) 0 500 1,000 2,000 2,500 3,000 Special training Basic compliance knowledge 2019 526 238 2020 1,387 597 2021 2,630 1,739 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 Special training Basic compliance knowledge 1,387 2,630 1,739 1,500 1,000 2,000 2,500 3,000 Special training Basic compliance knowledge 1,387 2,630 1,739 1,500 4.1 Compliance Compliance means ensuring adherence to laws and internal rules, to which the company independently undertakes to adhere. For Festo, upholding integrity and responsibility towards people and the environment is elementary. At all our locations, we attach great importance to acting ethically, legally and in accordance with the rules. Compliance management system (CMS) Festo has a zero-tolerance policy. This means that every violation will receive an appropriate sanction. In order to systematically ensure the avoidance of legal and reputational risks, Festo set up a compliance management system back in 2012, which controls and monitors the activities required to prevent legal violations. This is continuously expanded worldwide. GRI 102-17 In 2021, to ensure and further raise awareness, 4,369 employees worldwide were trained in the issue of compliance. These training courses are conducted by Corporate Compliance, the Regional Compliance Officers and the 62 Local Compliance Officers, among others. Whistle-blower portal We have been offering our whistle-blower portal, which complies with EU Directive 2019/1937, since 2016. Here, employees and business partners worldwide can anonymously and safely report any misconduct or violations of our Code of Conduct or the applicable law without fear of reprisals. You can find the link and additional information on the whistle-blower portal at www.festo.com/compliance Regular review of CMS and business partners Observance and implementation of the compliance regulations are subject to regular audits by the group auditing department. In addition, our compliance management system has been regularly audited by external auditors since 2015. No legal proceedings have been initiated due to anti-competitive behaviour or the formation of cartels and monopolies. GRI 206-1 Since 2020, Festo has systematically checked selected business partners for regulatory requirements with the help of Dow Jones. This also ensures that we enter into ethically sound business relationships. The sales partners of our Didactic business division go through the Dow Jones business partner check as an additional preventive measure against corruption risks. In the course of business initiation, potential future sales partners are subjected to a tool-supported due diligence process. Risks are systematically identified, recorded and mitigated where possible. The audit process and its results are documented in the tool. The Compliance Officer of Festo Didactic is responsible for conducting the Didactic sales partner check. The respective Didactic managers are responsible for implementing the recommended measures. Guidelines for internal and external documents Our compliance guidelines include both internal and external documents and are accessible to every employee. At the turn of the year 2020/2021, our Supplier Code of Conduct was replaced by the Code of Conduct for Business Partners (BP CoC). Festo’s expectations with regard to compliance with laws and standards as well as human rights and the commitment within the supply chain are set out in excerpts via the BP CoC to our business partners. Since then, this document has been mandatory for all our business partners. Both the Code of Conduct and the Code of Conduct for Business Partners are available for download in several languages on our corporate website. www.festo.com/compliance Compliance training offer The Festo compliance training offer consists of basic compliance knowledge, special training and mandatory web-based training. The central focus of the basic compliance knowledge is on the contents of the Code of Conduct as well as the internal compliance regulations. Basic compliance knowledge was also provided in 2021 in web-based training and at onboarding events at the Esslingen headquarters and in almost all national Festo companies. Within the framework of the special training courses, further focus areas of compliance are addressed in depth. GRI 205-2: Information a d training in anti-corruption strategies and measures Compliance guidelines 2021 GRI 102-16 1) Code of Conduct 2) Code of Conduct for Business Partners 3) Anti-Corruption Policy 4) Antitrust (Antitrust Law) 5) Exclusion list of industries: Arms and nuclear industry GRI 102-11 4. Ethics and governance 4. Ethics and governance 40 41 Festo SE & Co. KG Sustainability Report 2021 Festo SE & Co. KG Sustainability Report 2021