
0 20,000 60,000 80,000 100.000 81,782 2020 85,665 2019 86,331 2018 89,127 2021 40,000 129,927 2020 123,318 2019 131,965 2018 0 30,000 90,000 120,000 150,000 141,851 2021 60,000 35,506 2020 49,850 2019 56,797 2018 0 10,000 30,000 50,000 60,000 33,400 2021 40,000 20,000 17,744 2020 19,073 2019 19,041 2018 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 18,767 2021 0 20 40 60 80 74.5 2020 68.1 2019 68.6 2018 68.8 2021 2020 18.7 2019 22.5 2018 23.8 0 5 10 15 20 25 2021 15.6 5. Environment, energy and construction GRI 302-1a: Primary energy (fuel oil, diesel, gas, MWh) GRI 302-1c: Final energy (electricity, district heating, MWh) GRI 305-1: Direct greenhouse gas emissions (scope 1, t CO2 equivalents) Energy consumption in relation to sales (MWh/EUR millions) GRI 305-2: Indirect energy-related greenhouse gas emissions (scope 2, t CO2 equivalents) Greenhouse gas emissions (scope 1 and scope 2) in relation to turnover (t CO2 equivalents/EUR millions) Primary energy consumption and scope 1 greenhouse gas emissions Among the primary energy consumptions GRI 302-1a, we document the fuel oil and natural gas consumption in the operation of our buildings and aluminium processing operations. This also includes the fuel consumption of the vehicle fleet in Germany, which is predominantly leased. We report on the CO2 emissions caused by this in scope 1. Our production processes do not cause direct emissions of other greenhouse gases (e.g. process emissions). Unlike in previous reports, fuel consumption and emissions from logistics between some of the European plants are no longer included in this category. In accordance with the requirements of the GHG Protocol, we will report these in scope 3.4 as soon as the database is complete and the methodological issues have been clarified. The emissions of cooling agents from cooling and refrigeration plants are negligible compared to CO2 emissions – they are not reported. In 2021, the primary energy demand was 89,127 megawatt hours, an increase of 6.0 per cent compared to the average of the three previous years. Several effects are expressed here: at the European locations, the colder and longer winter of 2020/2021 caused a higher primary energy demand. At the same time, an economic recovery took place at almost all locations after the first year of the pandemic in 2020 and in some cases there was some overcompensation for the declines in the previous year. This led to an almost 20 per cent increase in stationary primary energy demand in Europe. The further expansion of our new plant in Jinan (China) brought a further increase in primary energy consumption. As in the previous year, the energy demand of the company’s own vehicle fleet remained at an exceptionally low level. The outsourcing of part of the logistics from reporting described above exaggerates the effect. Scope 1 emissions  GRI 305-1 are essentially derived from primary energy consumption. Only a shift between the various energy sources such as fuel oil, natural gas, diesel and petrol can lead to slight deviations. The influencing factors are correspondingly identical with those of primary energy consumption. Scope 1 emissions are shown in the second diagram on the right and amounted to 18,767 tonnes of CO2 equivalents in2021. Final energy consumption and scope 2 emissions Festo obtains its final energy GRI 302-1c almost exclusively in the form of electricity. Two locations are heated with district heating in an environmentally friendly manner. The associated emissions are reported in scope 2. Final energy consumption was determined by two contrasting developments. A number of measures had the effect of reducing consumption. These included a further 67,250 square metres of manufacturing area were converted to energy-saving LED lighting. At the company headquarters in Esslingen, a now obsolete refrigeration system was replaced by a highly efficient absorption chiller. In contrast, the economic recovery and the expansion of production at the new Jinan plant had a significant impact on consumption. As a result, final energy consumption was 141,851 megawatt hours, 11 per cent higher than the average of the previous three years. The development of scope 2 emissions is more positive. In contrast to the previous year, emission-free green electricity was able to be purchased for the German locations throughout the entire calendar year. As a result, scope 2 emissions fell by a further 6 per cent vis-à-vis the previous year to 52,167 tonnes of CO2 equivalents, despite the increase in consumption described above. In the reporting year, preparations were also made for the global purchase of green electricity from 2024 at the latest. The total energy demand (primary and final energy) related to turnover fell to 68.8 megawatt hours/million tonnes. Euro back to the 2018 level. The negative effects of the pandemic were able to be compensated. However, a general increase in energy efficiency is not evident based on this reference figure. In contrast, the decoupling of emissions from scopes 1 and 2 from turnover continued. The relative greenhouse gas emissions amounted to 15.5 tonnes of CO2 equivalents/million euros in turnover. This development is primarily due to the purchase of green electricity. We therefore expect it to continue with the global roll-out of green electricity purchasing in the coming years. 5. Environment, energy and construction 48 49 Festo SE & Co. KG Sustainability Report 2021 Festo SE & Co. KG Sustainability Report 2021