261,325 239,689 240,745 10,081 4,242 5,764 2018 2019 2020 0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 350,000 Public water distribution Groundwater intake 299,300 3,969 2021 300,000 250,000 52,397 118,297 17,991 15,271 45,183 97,493 18,747 14,436 46,644 86,642 17,296 8,593 Evaporative cooling system and water treatment for indoor air conditioning Sanitary wastewater Production wastewater 0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 2018 2019 2020 Other, e.g. kitchen wastewater 80,895 110,338 19,763 17,740 2021 150,000 52,397 118,297 17,991 15,271 45,183 97,493 18,747 14,436 46,644 86,642 17,296 8,593 Evaporative cooling system and water treatment for indoor air c nditioning Sanitary wastewater Production wastewater 0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 2018 2019 2020 Other, e.g. kitchen wastewater 80,895 110,338 19,763 17,740 2021 150,000 52,397 118,297 17,991 15,271 45,183 97,493 18,747 14,436 46,644 86,642 17,296 8,593 Evaporative cooling system and water treatment for indoor air conditioning Sanitary wastewater Production wastewater 0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 2018 2019 2020 Other, e.g. kitchen wastewater 80,895 110,338 19,763 17,740 2021 150,000 52,397 118,297 17,991 15,271 45,183 97,493 18,747 14,436 46,644 86,642 17,296 8,593 Evaporative cooli g system and water treatment for indoor air conditioning Sanitary wastewater Production wastewater 0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 2018 2019 2020 Other, e.g. kitchen wastewater 80,895 110,338 19,763 17,740 2021 150,000 52,397 118,297 17,991 15,271 45,183 97,493 18,747 14,436 46,644 86,642 17,296 8,593 Evaporative cooling system and water treatment for indoor air conditioning Sanitary wastewater Production wastewater 0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 2018 2019 2020 Other, e.g. kitchen wastewater 80,895 110,338 9, 63 17,740 2021 150,000 261,325 239,689 240,745 10,081 4,242 5,764 2018 2019 2020 0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 350,000 Public ater distribution round ater intake 299,300 3,969 2021 300,000 250,000 5. Environment, energy and construction 5. Environment, energy and construction Water consumption and wastewater The Festo Group’s water consumption was 303,269 cubic metres in 2021, almost a fifth higher than the average of the previous three years. With proportions of the total consumption of 33 per cent and 31 per cent, sanitary facilities and production were responsible for almost two-thirds of total water consumption. The proportion for production rose disproportionately due to the commissioning of an anodising plant in Jinan (China). The remaining proportions were distributed between cooling, mainly through evaporative cooling systems (20 per cent), and canteen operations. The irrigation of green areas and some other processes are less important. In all areas, we are implementing measures to continuously reduce consumption. Our own buildings are equipped with water-saving fittings throughout. Wherever possible, we optimise the production processes that generate wastewater and reuse the wastewater for other purposes. In 2021, an evaporative cooling system was replaced with a hybrid cooler with minimal water consumption as part of the conversion of the cooling provision at the company headquarters. This saves between 3,000 and 4,000 cubic metres of water every year. The diagram on the bottom left shows the water intake by source from 2018 to 2021. GRI 303-3 We only discharge contaminated wastewater into the public sewer system. Our production wastewater is treated for process-specific pollutants before it is discharged. We hold the necessary permits for all treatment plants and monitor the treatment and pollutant parameters. With the exception of unpolluted rainwater, we do not discharge any wastewater into natural waters or groundwater. The diagram on the right shows the wastewater discharge by quality and discharge location from 2018 to 2021. GRI 303-4 GRI 303-3: Water intake by source: public water distribution (m3) and groundwater intake (m3) GRI 303-4: Wastewater discharge in terms of quality and discharge location (m3) This is designed together with an external contractor who supports the leasing of bicycles with processes for selection, ordering and implementation. The instalments are paid by the employees as part of a gross salary conversion, and Festo supports this with a monthly subsidy. We expect up to 400 employees to participate covering an average of 1,200 km per year. This can save 480,000 kilometres driven by cars. Culture of innovation: CIP World Cup At the end of 2021, the CIP World Cup – the internal competition between all Festo plants for the cleverest improvement ideas – was held online for the second time. A total of 30 ideas from 13 plants worldwide were submitted in three categories. The continuous improvement process (CIP) plays an important role in Festo’s culture. It’s about the small ideas that can be implemented directly without the need for big projects and years until the changes become evident. It is precisely these small improvements that make a big difference to the whole company at the end of the day. One category of the competition was ‘Environment, safety and ergonomics’. The winners were the Jinan plant and the environment. Aluminium casting produces slag as waste, which has to be disposed of. Through the clever use of a collection container under the collecting bowl, excess liquid aluminium can be collected. Cooled into blocks, it can be used again in the next casting process. Every month, only four instead of five tonnes of slag have to be disposed of. Environment week in India 5 June is international World Environment Day. In June 2021, the production site in India used World Environment Day as an opportunity to organise an ‘environment week’ with various activities to protect the environment and promote environmental awareness. Activities during the 2021 environment week included: • Identifying potential environmental improvements within the factory in moderated workshops. • Tips and tricks for environmental protection at home. • Planting trees on the Festo Bangalore site. Older employees planted trees at the Bangalore site, employees from different functions participated in the environmental kaizen activities and shared environmental activities and memories from their personal lives. The environment week is just one example of many measures at the India site to protect and promote ecology and make a significant contribution to sustainable development in the process. Bicycle leasing in Germany In order to motivate employees to commute to Festo using other means of transport other than by car, we are working on new mobility concepts. Cycling is seen as an important part of the mobility concept as it can improve sustainability, health and performance. In this context, Festo Germany has been offering the option of bicycle leasing since 2021. 52 53 Festo SE & Co. KG Sustainability Report 2021 Festo SE & Co. KG Sustainability Report 2021