
This data is communicated to the gateway via OPC UA (standard for data exchange as a platform-independent, service-oriented architecture). Several measurements can be combined in the gateway. From there, the consumption figures are sent to the Microsoft Azure cloud. The MQTT protocol (open network protocol for machine-to-machine communication) is used here, and even with messages every second in the demo. The Azure cloud is the right place to store, aggregate and account for consumption figures, along with many other sources of data. For example, conversion factors for energy can be included that are updated daily. For the respective machine, the values are then interoperably available in the standard of the administration shell again, together with, for example, the digital label and data sheets. These values can be accessed from different systems. CESMII uses the same initial definitions to describe a smart manufacturing profile for key energy variables and to visualise it using dashboards. The project demonstrates the interoperability of both approaches. Other large industrial partners also use the models that have been developed. 8.2 CO2 monitoring in ongoing production Continuously monitoring and optimising energy consumption is an important issue due to climate change. Together with CESMII, Plattform Industrie 4.0 and Microsoft, Festo and Festo Didactic have worked to visualise the latest developments on all aspects of smart manufacturing and the administration shell. CESMII is an important initiative of the US government and an important partner in international collaborations for Industry 4.0. The demonstration is geared towards important issues that our industry and education clients are worried about. One is energy efficiency, or to be exact, CO2 efficiency. Another is digitisation, beyond the boundaries of the company, into the cloud. The cloud is relevant because when accounting for CO2, emitters come from different sources, including suppliers and customers. The consolidation of data can only be implemented sensibly using the cloud. A Festo Didactic training factory representing the production process with typical industrial technology was selected as the demonstrator. The system now continuously measures the consumption of the individual stations, namely of the electrical energy and compressed air. 8. Technical basic and further training and corporate educational responsibility 8. Technical basic and further training and corporate educational responsibility 8.1 Energy innovation Sustainability and efficiency are a challenge for everyone. Now more than ever, we are becoming aware of the fragility of our planet. Critical environmental challenges must be addressed without compromising social and economic development. The energy demand is skyrocketing; we must rethink the energy landscape to cater to the needs in a sustainable way. Time is running and every action counts. Governments elaborate national agendas and participate to international meetings to coordinate efforts and set global goals. They develop the legislative framework and implement policies related to sustainable development and ecology. A growing number of corporate citizens set themselves sustainabiity goals and adopt new tactics to achieve them. Private citizens are sensitized to environmental issues and increasingly inclined to change consumption patterns. Environmental-friendly innovation through relevant skills development Nowadays, the quest for sustainability and efficiency permeates all job profiles. Success largely lies on education: people must be qualified to reflect and take good decisions that take into consideration energy and environmental issues. Environmental thinking must be instilled in every future and current worker. For example, the manufacturing workforce must be able to monitor, measure, and manage energy – especially electricity – consumption and waste in various systems and technology applications. The electrical workforce needs to understand, install, operate, troubleshoot small-scale renewable energy production systems to turn sun and wind into electricity for local consumption, whether for domestic, commercial, or industrial sites. Power engineers integrate technologies that will improve the electrical power grid efficiency, reliability, and sustainability, like power electronics devices and renewable energy sources. Digital and environmentalfriendly technologies enable HVAC workers to make buildings more energy-efficient. Process engineers can leverage smart instrumentation and control devices to improve resource efficiency. Giving tools to build the right skills Relying on its sound expertise in factory and process automation and didactic, Festo offers learning solutions that build competencies in energy efficiency, resource-efficient processes, renewable energy production and storage, water technology, power grid modernization, industrial electrification, eMobility, building system technologies, and more. Centralized in the digital portal Festo Learning Experience, learning content not only covers technical skills; but it develops also soft skills that are necessary to work in multidisciplinary teams, such as problem-solving and decision-making skills, creativity, and communication. 70 71 Festo SE & Co. KG Sustainability Report 2021 Festo SE & Co. KG Sustainability Report 2021