10. GRI index 10. GRI index GRI Title (chapter) Page Organisation profile 102-1 Name of the organisation Back cover 96 102-2 102-2 Activities, brands, products and services Industrial transformation as a business model (1.1) Sustainability strategy and management (1.2) 10 12 102-3 Headquarters location Back cover 96 102-4 Operating sites Festo in summary 6–7 102-5 102-5 Ownership and legal form Festo in summary Back cover 6–7 96 102-6 Markets served As the Festo Group, we are active in the factory automation and process automation sectors as well as in technical basic and further training. 102-7 Scale of the organisation Festo in summary 6–7 102-8 Information on employees and other staff Staff development (3.1) 24 102-9 Supply chain Bauxite, which is extracted from the ground, can be processed into aluminium hydroxide and aluminium oxide. In two further production processes, aluminium is used as a raw material and semi-finished aluminium products are manufactured, for example, through rod extrusion. 19 102-10 Significant changes in the organisation and its supply chain Industrial transformation as a business model (1.1) 11 GRI Title (chapter) Page 102-11 102-11 102-11 Precautionary approach or precautionary measures Compliance (4.1) Consideration of applicable guidelines and laws (6.4) Energy efficiency (7.1) 41 59 64 102-12 External initiatives Networks and committee work (2.3) 21 102-13 Membership in associations Networks and committee work (2.3) 21 Strategy 102-14 Declaration of the highest decision maker Preface 5 Ethics and integrity 102-16 102-16 Values, guidelines, standards and codes of conduct Preface Compliance (4.1) 5 41 102-17 Procedure for ethical advice and concerns Compliance (4.1) 40 Company management 102-18 Management structure Sustainability strategy and management (1.2) 12 102-31 Examination of economic, ecological and social issues Sustainability strategy and management (1.2) 12 Stakeholder involvement 102-40 List of stakeholder groups Sustainability strategy and management (1.2) 12 86 87 Festo SE & Co. KG Sustainability Report 2021 Festo SE & Co. KG Sustainability Report 2021