GRI Title (chapter) Page 205-2 Information and training in anti-corruption strategies and measures Compliance (4.1) 41 206-1 Legal proceedings due to anti-competitive behaviour or cartel and monopoly formation Compliance (4.1) 40 Environment 301-1 Materials used by weight or volume Sustainable procurement (2.2) 19 302-1a Materials used by weight or volume Environmental management (5.1) 48–49 302-1c Power consumption Environmental management (5.1) 48–49 302-5 Reduction of energy demand for products and services Festo Energy Saving Services (7.2) 66 303-3 Water intake by source Environmental management (5.1) 52 303-4 Wastewater discharge in terms of quality and discharge location Environmental management (5.1) 52 303-5 Water consumption Environmental management (5.1) 52 304-2 Significant impacts of activities, products and services on biodiversity The mining of bauxite as a raw material for aluminium production can have adverse effects on biodiversity, depending on the mining region and the mining conditions prevailing there. 19 305-1 Direct GHG emissions (scope 1) Environmental management (5.1) 48–49 305-2 Indirect energy-related GHG emissions (scope 2) Environmental management (5.1) 49 305-3 Other indirect GHG emissions (scope 3) Environmental management (5.1) 50 GRI Title (chapter) Page 306-3 Waste by type and disposal method Environmental management (5.1) 51 306-4 Waste diverted from disposal Environmental management (5.1) 51 306-5 Waste directed to disposal Environmental management (5.1) 51 307-1 Non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations Environmental management (5.1) 50 308-1 New suppliers which were audited using environmental criteria Sustainable procurement (2.2) 20 308-2 Negative environmental impacts in the supply chain and measures taken Sustainable procurement (2.2) 20 Social affairs 401-1 New employees and employee turnover Staff development (3.1) 25 401-2 Business services offered only to full-time employees and not to temporary or part-time employees Staff development (3.1) 26 402-1 Minimum notification period for operational changes Festo currently has no global information on the minimum notification period for operational changes. 403-9 The nature and rate of injuries, occupational illnesses, days of absence and absence from work and the number of work-related deaths Occupational safety (3.6) 34 404-1 Average number of hours for basic and further training per year and employee Further training (3.5) 32 404-2 Programmes to improve the skills of employees and to aid transitions Further training (3.5) 33 10. GRI index 10. GRI index 90 91 Festo SE & Co. KG Sustainability Report 2021 Festo SE & Co. KG Sustainability Report 2021