GRI Title (chapter) Page 404-3 Percentage of employees that have regular performance and career development evaluations All employees received a regular assessment of their performance and career development in Germany in 2021. Worldwide, the PeopleExcellence process was implemented on a mandatory basis at level E–F3 (similar to AT in DE). . 405-1 Diversity among management bodies and employees Diversity (3.3) 28 405-2 Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women to basic salary and remuneration of men Staff development (3.1) 26 406-1 Incidents of discrimination and remedial measures taken Diversity (3.3) 30 407-1 407-1 Business locations and suppliers where the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining could be threatened Sustainable procurement (2.2) Human rights (4.2) 20 43 408-1 408-1 Business locations and suppliers with a significant risk of incidents of child labour Sustainable procurement (2.2) Human rights (4.2) 20 43 409-1 409-1 Business locations and suppliers with a significant risk of incidents of forced and compulsory labour Sustainable procurement (2.2) Human rights (4.2) 20 43 410-1 Security personnel trained in human rights policies and procedures The security staff at Festo’s German plants are completely trained in the topics of dealing with people, behaviour in hazardous situations and de-escalation techniques in conflict situations. Human rights (4.2) 43 411-1 411-1 Incidents where indigenous peoples’ rights have been violated Festo SE & Co. KG is currently working on the implementation of the Act on Corporate Due Diligence in Supply Chains (LkSG). Human rights (4.2) 43 10. GRI index GRI Title (chapter) Page 412-1 Business locations where a human rights audit or human rights impact assessment has been carried out Human rights (4.2) 43 413-2 Business activities with significant actual and potential negative impacts on local communities So far there are no detailed investigations on this. Human rights (4.2) 43 414-1 414-1 New suppliers which were audited using social criteria Sustainable procurement (2.2) Human rights (4.2) 20 43 414-2 414-2 Negative social impacts in the supply chain and measures taken Sustainable procurement (2.2) Human rights (4.2) 20 43 415-1 Party donations For 2021, the Festo Group had no receipts for donations to political parties. 416-1 Assessment of the health and safety impact of different categories of products and services Consideration of applicable guidelines and laws (6.4) 59 417-1 Requirements for product and service information and labelling Product responsibility and transparency (6.5) 61 418-1 Justified complaints regarding breaches of protection and loss of customer data The number of incidents is subject to internal confidentiality requirements. 419-1 Failure to comply with laws and regulations in the social and economic field Festo is committed to strict compliance with laws and regulations, which are binding for all employees and are set out in the Code of Conduct. 10. GRI index 92 93 Festo SE & Co. KG Sustainability Report 2021 Festo SE & Co. KG Sustainability Report 2021