
Regular instruction as part of occupational safety. 1,000 0 1,081 528 2020 2021 2022 1,331 1,500 500 In Germany, the Occupational Safety department supports and advises all areas in establishing a safety-conscious occupational safety culture. Internationally, occupational health and safety management in the regions is managed independently at the respective locations. In the plants, local experts are thus responsible for all operational processes. On the part of the central Security department at the headquarters, control and networking is carried out. Thanks to the Festo network for occupational safety, the specialists are in continuous exchange and make use of the given synergies. The global safety standards are anchored in the integrated management system and written down in an international manual. They are continually and proactively being revised and are based on internationally applicable standards, regulations and Festo’s requirements. In addition to the legal requirements, results from audits carried out and influences from the Festo network also ensure that everything is up to date.  GRI 403-1 The aim is to continuously reduce the risk of accidents and health impairments. In this context, Festo has already implemented the ISO 45001 occupational health and safety management system at its Budapest, São Paolo and Shanghai locations.  GRI 403-8 In 2022, the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic continued to overshadow many planned programme items to further improve the OHS (short for occupational health and safety) system. Furthermore, numerous events and campaigns were also initiated with a view to improving occupational safety in 2022. 6.5 Safety at work Examples from the Festo world Sofia, Bulgaria: Updating and improving the accident reporting system in order to further strengthen the ‘Safety first’ motto. This has enabled us to improve on the personal responsibility of our employees for health and safety in the workplace. Budapest, Hungary: In line with the ‘Healthy Workplaces Lighten the Load’ campaign of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, regular visits by orthopaedic surgeons at the workplace were carried out in 2022. Esslingen, Germany: Implementation of the project ‘Mental stress risk assessment’, which aims to better identify and address stress factors and stresses in the workplace and cut them out by means of measures. Shanghai and Suncun, China: Implementation of various programmes, including a month of occupational safety. Various online and offline activities related to topics of the environment, health and safety (including training) were carried out during the safety month.  GRI 403-8, GRI 403-5 Lost time injury rate worldwide The accident frequency rate (lost time injury rate, LTIR for short) is calculated using the number of occupational accidents per million hours worked. The scope of calculation for the accident frequency rate worldwide in 2022 includes accidents in Germany and our largest global production plants (indirect and direct areas). All accidents are documented and analysed. However, the vast majority of accidents have a minor impact.  GRI 403-2 The accident frequency rate according to the defined scope in 2022 was 6.4 accidents per million hours worked.  GRI 403-9 Days of absence due to accidents in Germany The number of days of absence due to accidents at Festo’s German locations in 2022 was 528 days. In addition to the continuous improvement of occupational safety processes, the reason for the decrease in the number of lost days is the reduction in the severity of accidents.  GRI 403-9 Accident statistics in Germany take into account accidents at work that result in at least one day of absence. At present, gender-specific differences are not being reported on and so they are not taken into account in the evaluation of occupational safety. This is also not planned for the future.  GRI 403-9 GRI 403-9: Days of absence due to accidents in Germany For Festo, safety – especially health and safety at work– is an elementary part of its corporate philosophy. The maintenance and implementation of the technical safety requirements serve to protect our employees and the company’s values. 100 101 Festo SE & Co. KG Sustainability Report 2022 Festo SE & Co. KG Sustainability Report 2022 1. BLUE WORLD 2. STRATEGY AND MANAGEMENT 3. CO2 REDUCTION AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY 4. TECHNICAL EDUCATION 5. ENVIRONMENT, RESOURCE AND MATERIAL EFFICIENCY 6. PEOPLE AT FESTO 7. ETHICS AND GOVERNANCE 8. GRI-INDEX 9. REPORT PROFILE