
Respect for human rights is not a one-off task. This is why we systematically assess our own companies and supply chains on a risk-based basis. On 1 October 2022, Neeta Wellhäußer, an employee in the Corporate Responsibility department, took over the role of Human Rights Officer at Festo. In this role, she reports directly to the Chairman of the Management Board. The Act on Corporate Due Diligence in Supply Chains (LkSG) defines the human rights and environmental due diligence of a company, from which the duties of a human rights officer are derived. Neeta Wellhäußer, Corporate Responsibility and Human Rights Officer at Festo 116 117 Festo SE & Co. KG Sustainability Report 2022 Festo SE & Co. KG Sustainability Report 2022 1. BLUE WORLD 2. STRATEGY AND MANAGEMENT 3. CO2 REDUCTION AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY 4. TECHNICAL EDUCATION 5. ENVIRONMENT, RESOURCE AND MATERIAL EFFICIENCY 6. PEOPLE AT FESTO 7. ETHICS AND GOVERNANCE 8. GRI-INDEX 9. REPORT PROFILE