
– BCM policy (e.g. scope, standards) – BCM manual (BCM organisation and responsibility) – Business impact analysis – Threat analysis – BC strategy – Risk mitigation measures – Crisis and BCM organisation – BCM processes and interfaces BCM INITIATION ANALYSIS AND DESIGN IMPLEMENTATION – Strategic plans – Tactical plans – Operational plans – Test strategy – Test planning – Test concepts – Review PLANNING VALIDATION Weitere Information zu unserem Business Continuity Management sowie eine ausführliche Broschüre erhalten Sie unter www.festo.com/bcm Further i f r ti on our busines continuity management a d a detailed brochure can be found a w .festo.com/bcm. This has made the continuous securing of business processes increasingly important. Focusing on established standards, we use our business continuity management (BCM) system to comply with ISO 22301, the BCI Good Practice Guide and ISO 27001. As a result, our processes are fully compatible with the systems of our suppliers and customers. In addition, effective response measures protect the continuity of the supply of goods and services to our customers, the goodwill, reputation, brand name, value-adding activities of the company and the interests of our stakeholders. Business continuity management as a holistic process helps: – identify threats – assess potential impacts and damages (e.g. business impact analysis) – consider the company units as a whole, rather than in isolation – enable effective responses – define a framework of conditions and – ensure measures can be reused/integrated into existing risk analyses and assessments as far as possible  GRI 201-2 By combining different strategies as part of our business continuity management, we can ensure the long-term success of the company, the processes and the products and services tailored to you in the long term. The following measures contribute to our holistic BCM: Risk management For over ten years, Festo has been operating a risk management system that identifies key risks at an early stage, defines risk managers and pursues risk mitigation measures. The entire risk management process and its organisation is regularly audited in accordance with the IDW 340 n.s. standard. Crisis management Crisis management at Festo follows a structured process whereby local emergency situations are dealt with by the local emergency organisation and, if necessary, escalated quickly to corporate crisis management. The Management Board is in charge of the corporate crisis management team. There is regular testing of the alarm via FACT24 and cooperation within the team. Supply chain and logistics In recent years, we have expanded our production infrastructure in line with the local-for-local principle in order to produce products autonomously and redundantly at different locations. Our logistics network provides a high degree of flexibility and uses alternative routes when required, ensuring deliveries from suppliers and deliveries to customers are made at all times throughout the entire value-added network. Our highly varied product portfolio enables us to offer products according to demand and to provide our customers with alternative solutions in the event of restrictions on individual components. Information security Festo has established a state-of-the-art security programme to protect our customers’ processes and infrastructure against cyber threats, as well as our own processes and infrastructure. All measures are selected and implemented in accordance with industry standards for information security, in particular BSI basic protection and the NIST Cybersecurity Framework. All controls are regularly reviewed and adjusted in line with the current threat and risk landscape. This continuous improvement process is ensured by an information security management system certified to ISO 27001:2017. Health and safety For Festo, safety – especially health and safety at work– is an elementary part of its corporate philosophy. The maintenance and implementation of the technical safety requirements serve to protect our employees and the company’s values. To this end, all departments are supported by safety experts in establishing a culture of safety at the workplace and an occupational health and safety management system. For more information on the topic of safety at work, please refer to Chapter 6.5. We are experiencing a time of great uncertainty and challenges due to global pandemics, warfare, the catastrophic effects of climate change, increasing cyberattacks and disruptions to global supply and transportation routes. 7.3 Business continuity management (BCM) an be found at www.f sto.com/bcm 118 119 Festo SE & Co. KG Sustainability Report 2022 Festo SE & Co. KG Sustainability Report 2022 1. BLUE WORLD 2. STRATEGY AND MANAGEMENT 3. CO2 REDUCTION AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY 4. TECHNICAL EDUCATION 5. ENVIRONMENT, RESOURCE AND MATERIAL EFFICIENCY 6. PEOPLE AT FESTO 7. ETHICS AND GOVERNANCE 8. GRI-INDEX 9. REPORT PROFILE