Sustainability management The United Nations (UN) has formulated 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the economic, social and environmental levels. For Festo, a strategy in line with these sustainability goals, systematic sustainability management and transparency are key elements on the way to achieving this. GRI 3-3 Sustainability is firmly anchored in our corporate strategy. The Management Board of Festo SE & Co. KG is committed to this. From left to right: Dr Jaroslav Patka, Frank Notz, Gerhard Borho, Dr Oliver D. Jung, Dr Ansgar Kriwet. Frame of reference for our sustainability management There were no significant changes to the organisation of Festo and the supply chain in the reporting period. No acquisitions were made in 2022. GRI 2-6 As part of our ‘Local for Local’ approach, we will expand our international production capacities in India, Mexico and Turkey. We will also include these locations in our sustainability management. GRI 203-1 Basic information about Festo for 2022 can be found in the company portrait on pages 4 and 5. More detailed information about our business areas is available on our website Sustainability management Thinking in terms of generations and responsible, long-term business practices are deeply rooted in the family-run company Festo. Essential elements of our sustainability strategy are therefore firmly anchored in our corporate strategy. This covers the following five directions: – Competitiveness – Growth – Innovation – Culture – Sustainability GRI 2-6, GRI 2-9 In the future, the following three sustainability topics from the corporate strategy will be managed and promoted at management board level: – Reduction of the carbon footprint – Digital education – Capability shift GRI 2-6, GRI 2-9 These measures are subject to a quarterly assessment by the Management Board, are supported by senior executives and follow a project organisation. The other topics of the sustainability strategy are evaluated every six months and further developed with the responsible areas. This is carried out under the responsibility of the Corporate Responsibility (CR) department, whose responsibilities also include sustainability reporting. GRI 2-6, GRI 2-9 Identification of key issues The interests of both internal and external stakeholders were taken into account in the identification of topics. There are two groups within the external and internal stakeholders. ‘Formative stakeholders’ have concrete expectations of Festo as a company and also have a direct influence on its business activities. In addition, there are ‘other stakeholders’ whose interests are taken into account but whose influence is considered to be rather limited. Specifically, these two categories are as follows: Formative stakeholders – Shareholders – Management Board – Customers and their customers – Employees Other stakeholders – Suppliers – Local population – Science – Public – Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) – State – Supervisory institutions GRI 2-26, GRI 2-27, GRI 2-29 The diagram on the next page shows the key topics and areas of action for Festo in the field of sustainability. GRI 3-2 When deriving and updating the key topics and areas of activity, we will in future be guided by the requirements of the European Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). GRI 3-1, GRI 3-2 34 35 Festo SE & Co. KG Sustainability Report 2022 Festo SE & Co. KG Sustainability Report 2022 1. BLUE WORLD 2. STRATEGY AND MANAGEMENT 3. CO2 REDUCTION AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY 4. TECHNICAL EDUCATION 5. ENVIRONMENT, RESOURCE AND MATERIAL EFFICIENCY 6. PEOPLE AT FESTO 7. ETHICS AND GOVERNANCE 8. GRI-INDEX 9. REPORT PROFILE