
Guarantees of origin for electricity For our locations in Germany, we have been reporting on the procurement of green electricity since 2021 and have set the corresponding Scope 2 emissions to zero. For the amount of electricity consumed by Festo, the electricity supplier acquires guarantees of origin issued for electricity from wind and hydropower plants in the European electricity network. This method makes it possible to take advantage of the ecological characteristics of electricity generation (zero emissions) without the electricity coming physically from the same power plant as the cancelled guarantees of origin. The procedure is thus accepted by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. From 2023, we will be purchasing green electricity in accordance with the system described for all international production and logistics sites. The guarantees of origin will then also meet the requirements of the European green electricity label EKOenergy and the US green electricity label green-E. The availability of green electricity labels is still under review for the locations in China, India and Singapore. Once the current electricity supply contract expires, only EKOenergy-labelled guarantees of origin will be used for the German locations. In the medium term, we intend to further improve the ecological quality of green electricity and examine whether electricity and guarantees of origin can be procured together from 2027 onwards, i.e. acquired from the same plants, or whether ecological electricity supply contracts, so-called Power Purchase Agreements, can be concluded. Both options would provide a greater incentive to expand electricity generation from renewable energies. Expansion of in-house renewable power generation In the reporting year, all areas suitable for installing photovoltaic (PV) systems at the production and logistics sites were identified, evaluated and prioritised in accordance with their yield forecasts and profitability. At the locations in Bangalore (India), Jinan and Shanghai (both China), Lupfig (Switzerland) and Warsaw (Poland), PV systems with an installed capacity of 3,549 kilowatt peak (kWp) were constructed and commissioned. The total PV capacity installed at Festo has thus been increased by 70 per cent and now amounts to 8,398 kilowatt peak (kWp). In the reporting year, 5,498 megawatt hours of PV electricity were generated. Energy controlling and saving With the exception of three smaller plants, our locations are equipped with energy monitoring systems. These make it possible to monitor energy consumption, identify abnormally excessive consumption and its causes, and take corrective measures at short notice. Routines to monitor consumption during non-production periods have been implemented and intervention thresholds have been defined. Festo Energy Saving Services: Festo Energy Saving Services (FESS) analysed the compressed air systems of all production plants, from compressed air generation and preparation to distribution and the use of compressed air. In addition, leakage detection was carried out in representative areas. Furthermore, the local maintenance departments were trained and enabled to independently conduct leakage detection in order to ensure this is carried out in the future. The optimisation potentials identified by FESS are being implemented. Energy-efficient lighting In addition, a further 18,100 square metres of production space were converted to energy-saving LED lighting. Energy teams Energy teams were set up at all production sites in 2022. Their task is to further develop energy controlling and to identify and implement both investment and behavioural measures in production and building operations. The energy teams drew up a list of measures with an investment volume of over 11 million euros. Of this total, 4.4 million euros will be invested in the current year, spread over 37 measures. In 2022, the total output of our photovoltaic systems worldwide increased by 70 per cent. Measures 48 49 Festo SE & Co. KG Sustainability Report 2022 Festo SE & Co. KG Sustainability Report 2022 1. BLUE WORLD 2. STRATEGY AND MANAGEMENT 3. CO2 REDUCTION AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY 4. TECHNICAL EDUCATION 5. ENVIRONMENT, RESOURCE AND MATERIAL EFFICIENCY 6. PEOPLE AT FESTO 7. ETHICS AND GOVERNANCE 8. GRI-INDEX 9. REPORT PROFILE