
Scope 3.1 Scope 3.4 3.4 Transport and distribution Pilot project for shifting from air to sea freight In 2021, three regionally significant delivery locations were analysed to see how increasing inventories of high-volume products would enable the shift from air to sea freight (‘Air2Sea’) in order to reduce transport emissions. The results were only partially implemented in 2022 due to supply chain disruptions. In a pilot project on the route between the delivery centres in Rohrbach and Mason (Ohio, USA), 47.1 tonnes were transported by plane rather than by ship, thus avoiding around 400 tonnes of CO2 equivalents. Sea freight forwarding by rail at the Rohrbach location In the case of imports by sea freight, the downstream transport of around 280 40-foot containers from the seaports to the CSC Rohrbach was shifted from road to rail. The associated emission reduction amounts to around 70 tonnes of CO2 equivalents. At the same time, heavy-duty traffic, harmful nitrogen oxide and particulate matter emissions and noise were avoided.  GR 305-3 3.3. Purchased goods and services In addition to the use of the products sold (Scope 3.11), the CO2 emissions along our supply chain are primarily influenced by the goods and services purchased – in particular the materials we use to manufacture our products. Reduction measures, transparency and the collection of primary data within our supply chain play a key role here. Initial activities for primary data collection were launched in 2022, with the aim of gradually expanding data transparency together with our suppliers. In addition, our focus is on material efficiency along the entire value chain. As described in more detail in Chapter 5.3, this begins with product development by selecting the right material and using a material-saving product design. When selecting materials, we see materials with low specific emissions that come from optimised production routes or are based on sustainable raw materials as levers to reduce emissions. This is already being tested in individual projects such as a sustainable pneumatic cylinder concept. In addition, recycling concepts in the production of materials such as aluminium and optimised supply chains have already prevented CO2 emissions. 50 51 Festo SE & Co. KG Sustainability Report 2022 Festo SE & Co. KG Sustainability Report 2022 1. BLUE WORLD 2. STRATEGY AND MANAGEMENT 3. CO2 REDUCTION AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY 4. TECHNICAL EDUCATION 5. ENVIRONMENT, RESOURCE AND MATERIAL EFFICIENCY 6. PEOPLE AT FESTO 7. ETHICS AND GOVERNANCE 8. GRI-INDEX 9. REPORT PROFILE