
Scope 3.11 Filter Specific catalogues Remove all filters Sustainability 3.5 Use of products sold Back in 2020, a field of action was anchored in our corporate strategy, the aim of which is to reduce the carbon footprint of Festo, our products and their impact on customers. To this end, an interdisciplinary team from all business areas was commissioned, which has since been driving forward company-wide activities to reduce CO2 emissions. In this context, a special focus is placed on reducing CO2 emissions through the use of our products. Machine and plant manufacturers can implement automated tasks with the help of pneumatic and electrical automation solutions available to them. The decision to opt for drive technology is directly linked to environmental effects during the usage phase. Essentially, criteria such as dynamics, force, adjustability, load stiffness and, above all, profitability play an important role in the decision-making process. In many cases, a sensible combination of both technologies can prove to be the optimal solution. CO2 transparency and advice on the energy-optimised use of Festo components The environmental effects in the usage phase vary with the application and must always be considered on an application-specific basis. Festo creates the necessary transparency with engineering tools such as ‘Pneumatic Sizing’ and ‘CO2 & TCO Guide’. These tools show the energy consumption and the associated CO2 emissions (product carbon footprint during use) of the product, thus enabling a machine or plant to be designed optimally by factoring in CO2 and energy. In addition to these tools, we share our knowledge with our customers through the following consultancy and other services: – Workshops to raise awareness among employees – Calculations of the total cost of ownership (TCO) to compare pneumatic and electric drive systems – Energy efficiency analyses of production plants with our Festo Energy Saving Services  GRI 302-5, 305-3 Shopping basket for CO2 reduction and energy efficiency In addition to the engineering tools, our ‘Sustainability in automation’ website now also features selected products whose properties and functionality help reduce CO2 emissions. This product selection can also be found in our online shop via the filter ‘Specific Catalogues > Sustainability’. Continuous expansion of the shopping basket The shopping basket includes the further expanded MSE6-C2 M energy-efficiency module, which saves up to 70 per cent in energy and CO2 emissions. Thanks to advanced fieldbus technologies, the module can be ideally integrated into the system environment. Software libraries enable simplified parameterisation. In combination with the AI software solution Festo AX, measured values such as pressure and flow can be used for predictive energy management. AI-based monitoring enables ideal maintenance intervals and optimised energy consumption, which saves costs and reduces CO2 emissions. Automated leak detection results in savings of up to 70 per cent. Continuous development of the sustainability shopping basket is an integral part of our product strategy. For more information on our products and services relating to sustainability, CO2 reduction and energy efficiency, please visit: www.festo.com/energyefficiency At Festo, we are committed to climate protection and are therefore focussed on reducing our carbon footprint in particular. On the one hand, this affects our direct carbon footprint but, most importantly, the reduction resulting through the use of our products. This makes up the majority of Festo’s CCF. The special feature here is that our products, as individual components, only have an energy-consuming effect when they are used in the machine or the system. This is always customised and depends on many parameters. Product shopping basket for CO2 reduction in our online shop via the ‘Sustainability’ filter. Weight-reduced products Products with energy-saving functions ADNS DSNU-S DRVS VTEM OVEM MSE6-C2M 52 53 Festo SE & Co. KG Sustainability Report 2022 Festo SE & Co. KG Sustainability Report 2022 1. BLUE WORLD 2. STRATEGY AND MANAGEMENT 3. CO2 REDUCTION AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY 4. TECHNICAL EDUCATION 5. ENVIRONMENT, RESOURCE AND MATERIAL EFFICIENCY 6. PEOPLE AT FESTO 7. ETHICS AND GOVERNANCE 8. GRI-INDEX 9. REPORT PROFILE