4.4 Bionics and STEM offerings for secondary education Our aim is to spark children and young people’s enthusiasm for science and technology (STEM). This creates the basis for technological excellence at a young age. Bionics arouses curiosity and interest – that is the motor for learning. This is why Festo Didactic launched the STEM training concept ‘Bionics4Education’ in 2019. It includes numerous initiatives to teach children and young people about STEM topics. Some examples from 2022: ‘Schwimm Dich schlau’ (Swim yourself clever) (Munich, Germany): For the first time, Festo Didactic tested a STEM movement-based learning concept with pupils at the Olympic Centre in Munich. The concept for experience-oriented learning using Bionics4Education was developed together with Innovationsmanufaktur in Munich and carried out in the Olympic swimming hall under the supervision of sports scientists from the Technical University of Munich. A total of 20 pupils from Esslingen, Munich and Kempten took part. ‘Young Maker’ programme (Esslingen-Berkheim, Germany): The ‘Young Maker’ programme aims to give preschool children the opportunity to experience technology up-close. Various age-appropriate stations present topics such as bionics, programming, 3D printing and assembly. The equipment from Bionics4Education was also used. The event took place for the first time in the Festo vocational education at the Berkheim location and is set to be expanded further in the future. Winner of the ‘Bildungspartnerschaften digital 2022’ (educational partnerships, digital, 2022) school competition (Stuttgart, Germany): Since 2021, the Neues Gymnasium Leibniz school in Stuttgart has offered a weekly working group on career orientation. The collaboration is entitled ‘Bionik, Informatik und Robotik – ein spielerischer Zugang zur Wirtschaft 4.0’ (bionics, computer science and robotics – a playful approach to Economy 4.0) and is meant to give the pupils an action- and production-oriented approach to future-proof skills. In 2022, the Neues Gymnasium Leibniz and Festo Didactic won the ‘Bildungspartnerschaften digital 2022’ school competition. The award ceremony took place digitally under the patronage of Dr Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut, Baden-Württemberg’s Minister for Economic Affairs. The school received a prize of 5,000 euros to implement the project. Amongst other things, bionics kits were purchased. Bringing scrum and bionics to the classroom (Filderstadt and Stuttgart, Germany): Thanks to the scrum agile learning method, Festo Didactic and a partner bring the topic of bionics to the classroom with the help of exciting STEM questions. This allows pupils to experience the working world of tomorrow at school today. A total of 25 pupils at Dietrich Bonhoeffer Gymnasium in Filderstadt and ten pupils at Neues Gymnasium Leibniz in Stuttgart were able to try out the didactic concept. The classic lessons in science and technology or course work were interrupted for a few weeks and implemented through a project-based approach. The pupils got to know digital media and industrial topics with regard to future requirements in terms of the sustainable use of the environment. They were also taught the need for green and joined-up thinking. In addition, the Scrum4Schools approach helps pupils to start thinking about career choice. Eighth-graders’ Festo Camp 2022 (Wisconsin, USA): Together with the National Coalition of Certification Center (NC3), Festo Didactic US conducted a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths) camp for pupils at KTEC High School in Kenosha. NC3 is a partner of industry and educational institutions to develop and implement industry-approved certifications with strict validation and evaluation standards. Festo STEM equipment was used, amongst other things. Technasium Festival (Bunnik, Netherlands): Festo Netherlands took part in a technology festival for schoolchildren with workshops on the robotic fish, Bionic Fish. Participants were offered a wide range of STEM activities, including a hackathon spanning several days. Wissensfabrik (knowledge factory, Germany): Festo Didactic is also a member of the Wissensfabrik, which is a strong network in the German economy. In total, around 130 companies and business-related foundations are involved in educational institutions, in order, amongst other things, to support children and young people in the STEM fields. As a result of its membership, Festo Didactic has 14 active educational partnerships with KiTec (Kinder entdecken Technik – children discover technology), and has thereby reached 140 teachers. You can find further information and teaching materials at www.stem.festo.com. 66 67 Festo SE & Co. KG Sustainability Report 2022 Festo SE & Co. KG Sustainability Report 2022 1. BLUE WORLD 2. STRATEGY AND MANAGEMENT 3. CO2 REDUCTION AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY 4. TECHNICAL EDUCATION 5. ENVIRONMENT, RESOURCE AND MATERIAL EFFICIENCY 6. PEOPLE AT FESTO 7. ETHICS AND GOVERNANCE 8. GRI-INDEX 9. REPORT PROFILE