6.2 Diversity Diversity is a decisive success factor for Festo and shapes not only society, but also our corporate culture. Diversity and an appreciation of people in their uniqueness from different cultures with their individual life concepts and skills have been part of Festo’s corporate culture since its foundation. Diversity by nationality We are convinced that mixed teams can work more creatively and efficiently than homogeneous groups. In terms of origin, we continue to benefit from the cultural diversity of our workforce. In 2022, employees from 107 nations successfully came together at Festo. As a company that operates in around 60 countries, this diversity helps us to understand the specific needs of our customers around the world. You can find more on diversity by nationality in the chart on the right. Diversity by age and gender In 2021, a total of 1,175 people were employed in senior management (levels E, F1 and F2) worldwide. This corresponded to about six per cent of the total workforce. In 2022, the number of people in these management levels remained constant. GRI 405-1 The breakdown in section 6.1 ‘Employee development’ on page 85 shows the diversity of management bodies and employees by age and gender. GRI 405-1 At Festo, employees and business partners of different nationalities, cultures, religions and approaches to life come together. GRI 405-1: Diversity by nationality in 2022 107 Festo Group total 32 The Americas 27 Asia 76 Europe (excluding Germany) 77 Germany Nationalities at Festo Society is changing and this change is also reflected in the working environment: globalisation, demographic change, technological innovations – we cannot afford to stand still in our dealings with each other. Life concepts change due to a variety of factors, such as changing profession, family and career, flexibility of the place of work or lifelong learning. We need to adapt our concepts as an employer in line with these changes in order to be prepared for the future together at Festo. We have always taken this view for our products and markets. Now we’re looking at ourselves as people at Festo. Diversity management Diversity is also relevant in the context of the sustainability strategy and contributes to the UN Sustainable Development Goals 5, 8 and 10. So that we take the right steps into the future, the position for Diversity and Inclusion was created in 2022. The central activities were launched in Germany in 2022. Local teams are already active in some national Festo companies and clusters. Diversity in the company fosters innovation, makes us attractive as an employer, and strengthens employee satisfaction and loyalty – if this diversity is seen and taken into account. Charta der Vielfalt (Diversity Charter) In 2022, Festo signed the Charta der Vielfalt. The aim of this self-declaration is to send a clear signal for diversity, both internally and externally. We want to take a closer look at and promote our self-image with regard to the diversity of our workforce in the future. Find out more about diversity at Festo and the Charta der Vielfalt at: www.festo.com/diversity 88 89 Festo SE & Co. KG Sustainability Report 2022 Festo SE & Co. KG Sustainability Report 2022 1. BLUE WORLD 2. STRATEGY AND MANAGEMENT 3. CO2 REDUCTION AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY 4. TECHNICAL EDUCATION 5. ENVIRONMENT, RESOURCE AND MATERIAL EFFICIENCY 6. PEOPLE AT FESTO 7. ETHICS AND GOVERNANCE 8. GRI-INDEX 9. REPORT PROFILE