
The LGBTIQ network at Festo Proud@Festo is the LGBTIQ network (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer) at Festo. The aim is to network LGBTIQ people and staff who uphold the visibility of diverse characters and lifestyles and a tolerant life together. The LGBTIQ network was also active in 2022. A joint lunch format was established at the central locations, and there were also several local events and parties, such as the gathering at the Christmas market and the after-work party. In addition, networking with the merging of the local LGBTIQ networks ‘0711LiebtBunt’ was strong, with various organisational and leisure events taking place, such as the joint summer event with over 100 people. Specifically, it is about: – Promoting visibility and acceptance – Enabling connectivity – Being a point of contact for employees and management – Providing impetus on LGBTIQ issues in the company – Supporting the Festo Corporate Responsibility – Representing Festo in the LGBTIQ context beyond the company’s borders The women’s network at Festo Women@Festo is a network of women for women within the company. We share our experiences, support and encourage each other, and offer space to think ahead, think things through and think outside the box. We make women visible in the company and give them a voice. In 2022, we pushed ahead with and implemented measures resulting from the 2021 equal opportunities survey. The main area of focus: make role models visible and inform employees with a focus on career, part-time and family. This included podium discussions, expert talks and a ‘Women@Festo asks ...’. On the topic of financial independence, a keynote presentation on ‘female finance’ was given by an external speaker. We offer women at Festo: – Networking across organisational units – Specialist, interdisciplinary exchange – Expansion of your horizons – Exchange on topics such as career planning, leadership, balancing work and family life – Monthly women’s business lunch/virtual cafe – Events, lectures Women Discrimination Festo and its employees do not accept any form of discrimination and are committed to a non-discriminatory environment. We encourage our employees to address and report discrimination at an early stage. Our employees have the right to lodge a complaint if they feel discriminated against by their employer, supervisors, other employees or third parties on grounds of race or ethnic origin, gender, religion or beliefs, disability, age or sexual identity in connection with their employment relationship. The AGG complaints office receives complaints from employees and examines them. Complaints will, of course, be treated confidentially. In addition, the topic of discrimination is regularly addressed and discussed in various courses (such as compliance and human rights) and also in management circles. Information on the topic of discrimination is continuously published at the internal AGG complaints offices. At Festo in Germany, incidents of discrimination can be submitted to a specially established complaints office. There is an established process for this, which is laid down in a regulatory agreement between the company and employee representatives. The principles and procedures of the AGG are taken into account. Internationally, incidents of discrimination can be reported on the whistle-blower portal. In 2022, no complaint was reported in any part of the company in Germany. Nevertheless, we continue to raise awareness of the issue of discrimination in our company.  GRI 406-1 Inclusion at Festo In addition to a statutory obligation, we see the inclusion of disabled people, particularly severely disabled people and those on an equal footing with them, in working life as a social task, the fulfilment of which is the joint responsibility of all those involved. The inclusion agreement for the Festo Group in Germany was adopted in 2021. The requirements derived from this were applied to the company’s processes in 2022. Inclusion is actively promoted in the following business processes and structures: – Recruitment and employment of severely disabled people – Working hours and remote working – Company promotion and qualification – Workplace and work organisation – Health management – Prevention and company integration management The objectives of this agreement are occupational and social inclusion and the provision of the necessary framework conditions for the participation of severely disabled people in working life at Festo. This commitment is also expressed in the Festo Group’s Code of Conduct. Compliance with the measures is jointly reviewed by the company management and the representatives of the severely disabled and the works council on the basis of the agreed measures and prepared in the annual progress report.  GRI 405-1 92 93 Festo SE & Co. KG Sustainability Report 2022 Festo SE & Co. KG Sustainability Report 2022 1. BLUE WORLD 2. STRATEGY AND MANAGEMENT 3. CO2 REDUCTION AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY 4. TECHNICAL EDUCATION 5. ENVIRONMENT, RESOURCE AND MATERIAL EFFICIENCY 6. PEOPLE AT FESTO 7. ETHICS AND GOVERNANCE 8. GRI-INDEX 9. REPORT PROFILE