Trainees 2020 2021 2022 Total 488 552 491 Germany 305 313 238 China 95 121 112 Hungary 33 59 68 India 33 34 36 Switzerland 18 25 27 Bulgaria 0 0 10 USA 4 0 0 6.3 Vocational training Trainees worldwide The table below shows the number of trainees worldwide from 2020 to 2022. The declining numbers of trainees in the countries are due to fluctuations in demand (e.g. changes in job profiles). The total number of Festo trainees has remained almost constant on an international level. Investment in training In Germany, investments in training amounted to 9.8 million euros in 2020, approximately 9.9 million euros in 2021, and 9.4 million euros in 2022. Training for the future In addition to social and economic aspects, the topic of sustainability is becoming more and more significant in training. The acquisition of skills for sustainable action is increasingly important for the future viability of training. The task of training at Festo is therefore to enable young people on an economic, technical, social and ecological level to use resources efficiently along the entire value chain in order to be able to act sustainably. Sustainability aspects are taught in an integrative manner, i.e. in conjunction with job-specific competences, knowledge and skills. It is important to design learning situations that enable trainees and integrated degree students to make and implement decisions in the interests of sustainable development. Festo Sustainability Award Sustainable agriculture is one of the topics of the future in order to enable the population to be supplied with food and to minimise the use of resources. With the Festo Sustainability Award, trainees at all six training locations were given the opportunity to create innovative ideas on how to make agriculture sustainable with products from Festo. A total of 27 teams took part in the Festo Sustainability Award. The six winning teams brought topics such as cooperative pollination aid (Esslingen), vertical farming with piezoelectronics and solar modules (Bangalore) and sustainable processing of eggshells into powder (Budapest). The winning teams presented their projects at the awards ceremony on 17 November. In the audience were members of the Board of Management and the founders of the award – representatives from the young fourth generation of the Festo owner family. The number of trainees from 2020 to 2022 by country. Urban gardening A cooperation with Otto-Hahn-Gymnasium in Nellingen provides clear practical situations during training. Students of the advanced course in biology dealt with the topic of urban gardening in vegetable cultivation and examined the biological basis for the cultivation of cress seeds. A wide range of data on the growth environment and the growth process was collected and evaluated. The results form the basis for the training exercise, together with trainees, to create and take care of an experimental set-up that demonstrates the practice-oriented automated cultivation of cress seeds. Festo trainees plant trees Social roots and sustainability – that’s what the fruit trees stand for which the trainees planted at the beginning of their training on an orchard meadow at the Glashütte pond in Rohrbach. A new phase of life with new demands begins for the young people with the start of their training. In addition to acquiring professional skills, the initial focus is on orientation and support – so that the trainees can form strong and deep roots in the company. Sustainability, as an extension of professional skills, must also be conveyed at the beginning of training in comprehensible, practical examples. After all, shaping the company’s sustainable future has to begin as early as possible. The winning teams from the Esslingen-Berkheim, Rohrbach, Sofia and Budapest locations with the organisers of the award. Not in the picture are the teams from Bangalore and Jinan, who were connected via live video. The Festo Sustainability Award for innovative ideas on how to make agriculture sustainable with products from Festo. 94 95 Festo SE & Co. KG Sustainability Report 2022 Festo SE & Co. KG Sustainability Report 2022 1. BLUE WORLD 2. STRATEGY AND MANAGEMENT 3. CO2 REDUCTION AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY 4. TECHNICAL EDUCATION 5. ENVIRONMENT, RESOURCE AND MATERIAL EFFICIENCY 6. PEOPLE AT FESTO 7. ETHICS AND GOVERNANCE 8. GRI-INDEX 9. REPORT PROFILE