
Training courses carried out on basic compliance knowledge Special training courses carried out GRI 205-2: Information and training in anti-corruption strategies and measures 2,630 1,739 3,059 3,459 2,398 5,323 2021 2022 2023 4,000 0 6,000 2,000 The link and further information on the whistleblower portal can be found on our website: www.festo.com/compliance Compliance- Guidelines 2023  GRI 2-23 1 Code of Conduct 2 Code of Conduct for Business Partners 3 Anti-Corruption Policy 4 Antitrust Directive 5 Sector Exclusion List Compliance means ensuring adherence to laws and internal rules, and the company sees this as one of its responsibilities.  GRI 2-27 For Festo, maintaining integrity and responsibility toward people and the environment is fundamental. At all of our locations, we attach great importance to acting ethically and in accordance with the law and regulations.  GRI 2-23, GRI 406-1 Compliance management system (CMS) In order to systematically safeguard against legal and reputational risks, Festo set up a compliance management system in 2012 focused on the areas of anti-corruption, anti-fraud, antitrust, and management culture, which controls and monitors the necessary activities to prevent legal violations. This is implemented globally and continuously improved.  GRI 2-24, GRI 2-25, GRI 2-26, GRI 205-1, GRI 206-1 Regular review of CMS and business partners Observance and implementation of compliance regulations are the subject of regular audits by the group auditing department. Furthermore, since 2015, our compliance management system has been regularly audited by external auditors based on IDW 980, who verified its unrestricted suitability and effectiveness in 2022. There are no known legal proceedings initiated due to anticompetitive behavior or antitrust or monopolistic practices.  GRI 206-1 Since 2020, the sales partners of our Didactic division have undergone a systematic business partner check for regulatory requirements as an additional preventive measure against corruption risks. Potential sales partners are subjected to a tool-supported due diligence process in the course of initiating business. Risks are systematically identified, recorded, and minimized wherever possible. The review process and the results are documented in the tool. The compliance officer of the Didactic business unit is primarily responsible for carrying out the Didactic sales partner check. The respective Didactic managers are responsible for implementing the recommended measures.  GRI 205-1 Internal and external guidelines Our compliance guidelines comprise both internal and external documents and are accessible to all employees. At the turn of the year from 2020 to 2021, our Supplier Code of Conduct was replaced by the Code of Conduct for Business Partners. The Code of Conduct for Business Partners sets out Festo’s expectations regarding compliance with laws and standards as well as human rights and obligations within the supply chain toward our business partners. This document applies to all our business partners. Both the Code of Conduct and the Code of Conduct for Business Partners are available for download in several languages from our company website.  GRI 205-2 Compliance training offer Festo’s compliance training courses in the aforementioned subject areas include basic compliance knowledge, special training courses, and Web-based training courses. The main focal points of basic compliance knowledge are the content of the Code of Conduct and the internal compliance regulations. Basic compliance knowledge was also made available in 2023 in web-based training courses and at onboarding events at the Esslingen headquarters and in almost all national subsidiaries. The special training courses provide in-depth training in further areas of compliance.  GRI 205-2 6.1 Compliance To safeguard and further raise awareness, 4,369 employees worldwide received training in 2023. This training is conducted by Corporate Compliance, the Regional Compliance Officer, and the Local Compliance Officer. The zero-tolerance approach also applies at Festo. This means: no infringement goes without an appropriate sanction.  GRI 205-2 Whistleblower portal We have been offering our whistleblower portal, which meets the requirements of EU Directive 2019/1937, since 2016. Employees and business partners around the world can report any misconduct and violations of our Code of Conduct (CoC) or applicable law anonymously and securely here, without having to fear any negative consequences.  GRI 2-16, GRI 2-25, GRI 205-1, GRI 406-1, GRI 413-1 106 107 1. Blue World 2. Strategy and Management 3. Climate Protection and Resource Efficiency 4. Technical Education 5. People at Festo 6. Ethics and Governance 7. GRI Index 8. Report Profile Festo SE & Co. KG Sustainability Report 2023 Festo SE & Co. KG Sustainability Report 2023