
In this sustainability report, the Festo Group informs its stakeholders about its sustainability strategy and sustainability activities in 2023. Previous comparison years are shown for the key figures. Unless otherwise stated, the reported figures and data refer to the global activities of the Festo Group. The focus of the information in the “People at Festo” section is on Festo SE & Co. KG.  GRI 2-1, GRI 2-2 The reported corporate carbon footprint in chapter 3 takes into account key figures for the entire Festo Group (with the exception of the waste category). The other data in chapter 3 relates to the production and logistics sites of the Festo Group. The organization’s headquarters are located in Esslingen.  GRI 2-1, GRI 2-2 In the future, we will be guided by the requirements of the European CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive) when deriving and updating material topics and areas of activity. Declaration of use The Festo Sustainability Report 2023 was prepared in accordance with the international standards for sustainability reporting of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). It is based on the “GRI 1: Foundations 2021.” The GRI Sector Standards were not applied.  GRI 2-3 We have supplemented this information with further information on strategically relevant and current issues, including with regard to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Find out more from page 36.  GRI 2-4, GRI 2-23 Reporting period and editorial deadline The document is available in German and English and mainly relates to the period from January 1, 2023, to December 31, 2023. All forward-looking statements in this report are based on the assumptions valid at the time of writing. The editorial deadline for this report was March 15, 2024. The Sustainability Report of Festo SE & Co. KG is published annually. The last report was published in April 2023 as a print version and as an interactive PDF and covers the 2022 financial year.  GRI 2-3 External and internal audit By using the GRI standard, we want to ensure the transparency of information and comparability for the public. An external audit of GRI conformity has not taken place.  GRI 2-5 Our environmental management system according to ISO 14001 and our quality management system according to ISO 9001 are regularly audited by external auditors. Contacts and project participants Numerous employees of the Festo Group contributed to the Festo Sustainability Report 2023. We will be happy to answer your questions and, if necessary, forward them to the relevant departments: corporate.sustainability@festo.com  GRI 2-3 Responsible for content: Christian Österle, Head of Corporate Communication and Sustainability Editorial management and content concept: Julia Bikidis and Neeta Wellhäußer Project management: Vincent Faix Graphics and design: Patricia Bischof, Claudia Enderle, Alwine Steger Editorial accompaniment and copy: Petra Gompper, Maren Karlin, Franziska Schwaiger Festo Blue World approach: Sibylle Wirth Photography: Philipp Freudigmann Technical support: Felix Ackermann, Jens-Heiko Adolph, Joshua Aldinger, Daniel Arifov, Angela Bartel, Peter Bohanek, Kathrin Böhmerle-Brandseph, Denitza Borisova, Ralf-Peter Brandl, Sabine Brutscher, Thomas Bürkle, Stefan Dietl, Ivet Dimitrova, Changjuan Ding, Daniel Ditterich, Barbara Duve, Leopold Eilert, Timo Engelfried, Sarah Gackstatter, Dr. Nina Gaißert, Dr. Ute Gebhard, Julian Geißler, Louisa Glaser, Sarah Grau, Carmen Grün, Maren Gülck, Viktória Farkas, Eric Flauss, Michael Hahn, Birgit Harr, Dominik Helble, Joachim Heuing, Nadiá Horsch-Schmidt, Anita Huber, Nevzat Iumerov, Bisera Ivanova, Simon Kiefer, Martin Kimmich, Patrick Kirsch, Eberhard Klotz, Monika Koch, Philipp Kommke, Conrad Küchler, András Kunt, Sven Lensdorf, Rea Eleni Lenser, Thomas Mall, Tanja Massauer, Olga Mezhnikova, Simon Morar, Stephanie Negele, Dr. Oliver Niese, Anette Ostertag, Isabelle Ouellet, Sina Pallasch, Anne Peters, Vanya Petrova, Lucas Pires, Ulrich Retter, Dr. Holger Richter, Bernd Rieth, Thomas Rittler, Miroslava Šárová, Julia Sauer, Dr. Björn Sautter, Ramona Sachse, Marcel Schäuffele, Dominik Schmitt, Sebastian Schrof, Patricia Seeger, Theresa Seidel, Rainer Seifert, Jan Seyler, Julia Spengler, Martin Spohn, Melanie Stapel, Dr. Konstantin Szabó, Pia Vargas, Rafael Vitoriano, Nadine Vöhringer, Roland Volk, Vanessa Waldmann, Oliver Walte, Sylvia Weiblein, Liang Weiwei, Markus Werthschulte, Julia Wieland, Simon Wilting, Manfred Zahn and more. 8. Report Profile This report was printed on Nautilus Super White paper. Copyright 2024, Festo SE & Co. KG and Festo Didactic SE All rights reserved. All images, graphics, and texts are subject to copyright and other laws for the protection of intellectual property. Duplication, modification, or use in other printed or electronic publications is only permitted with the express consent of Festo SE & Co. KG or Festo Didactic SE. 130 131 1. Blue World 2. Strategy and Management 3. Climate Protection and Resource Efficiency 4. Technical Education 5. People at Festo 6. Ethics and Governance 7. GRI Index 8. Report Profile Festo SE & Co. KG Sustainability Report 2023 Festo SE & Co. KG Sustainability Report 2023