The Festo delegation at the award ceremony in Düsseldorf on November 23, 2023 (from left to right): Christian Österle, Vice President Corporate Communication and Sustainability, Dr. Sebastian Beck, Member of the Management Board Finance and Human Resources, Julia Bikidis, Head of Corporate Sustainability, Neeta Wellhäußer, Human Rights Officer, Dr. Oliver Niese, Member of the Management Board of Festo Didactic SE. Table of Contents Cover image: Winner of the German Sustainability Award The German Sustainability Award (DNP) is the largest award for environmental and social commitment in Europe. It is based on the goals of the German government’s 2030 Agenda and thus on key areas of transformation such as climate, biodiversity, resources, the supply chain, and society. Prizes are awarded for pioneering contributions to the transformation for a sustainable future. In 2023, Festo was given the award in the hydraulics, pumps, and compressors category as an example of environmental and social progress; this demonstrates how sustainability can be successfully implemented. The German Sustainability Award confirms our holistic approach – with a focus on climate protection and people – because sustainability has always been the work of many hands at Festo. The award recognizes the commitment of our employees and shows that we are on the right track. We place particular emphasis on climate protection and reducing our carbon footprint. This is why we are continuously optimizing our energy efficiency and waste recycling. Our core values, such as our ethical principles and an inclusive work environment, are also part of our holistic approach. And in everything we do, we always have the drive to find the best and most efficient solution for our customers. 4 Foreword 6 Company Portrait 110 Blue World 14 Making Work Easier 16 Improve Health 18 Lifelong Learning 22 Industrial Transformation 26 Ecological Innovations 30 Resilience in Value Chains 234 Strategy and Management 36 Sustainability Strategy and Management 40 Networks and Committee Work 3 42 Climate Protection and Resource Efficiency 44 Corporate Carbon Footprint (CCF) 50 Sustainability at Our Locations 60 Material Use in Our Products and the Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) 66 Use of the Products Sold 470 Technical Education 72 Digital Learning 76 Learning through Professional Competitions 78 Training for Sustainable Professions 5 80 People at Festo 82 Employee Development 86 Diversity 90 Vocational Training 94 Further Training 98 Occupational Health and Safety 102 Comprehensive Health Promotion 6104 Ethics and Governance 106 Compliance 109 Taxes 110 Human Rights in the Supply Chain 118 Business Continuity Management (BCM) 7120 GRI Index 8130 Report Profile