
Sustainability Strategy and Management The United Nations (UN) has formulated 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the economic, social, and environmental levels. A strategy in line with these sustainability goals, systematic sustainability management, and transparency are essential elements for Festo on the path to achieving this goal.  GRI 3-3 Sustainability is firmly anchored in our corporate strategy. The Management Board of Festo SE & Co. KG is committed to this. From left to right: Dr. Ansgar Kriwet; Gerhard Borho, Dipl.-Ing.; Dr. Jaroslav Patka; Dr. Sebastian Beck; Thomas Böck, Dipl.-Ing. (FH); Frank Notz, Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Reference framework of our sustainability strategy and our sustainability management There were no significant changes to Festo’s value chain or business model in the reporting period.  GRI 2-6 As part of our “local for local” approach, we will expand our international production capacities in Hungary and Turkey. We will include these locations in our sustain- ability management.  GRI 203-1 Basic information about Festo for 2023 can be found in the company profile on pages 6 and 7. More detailed information on our business units is available on our website www.festo.com. Sustainability strategy as part of the corporate strategy Thinking in terms of generations and responsible, longterm business practices is deeply rooted in Festo – a family-run company. Key aspects of our sustainability strategy are therefore firmly anchored in our corporate strategy. It is based on the following five strategic directions: – Competitiveness – Growth – Innovation – Culture – Sustainability  GRI 2-1, GRI 2-6, GRI 2-9 The following three sustainability topics from the corporate strategy are managed and promoted at the Management Board level: – Reduction of the CO2 footprint – Digital education – Capability Shift  GRI 2-6, GRI 2-9 These measures are subject to a quarterly evaluation by the Management Board, are supported by senior executives, and follow a company-wide project organization. The other topics of the sustainability strategy are continuously assessed and developed further together with the responsible departments. This is the responsibility of the Corporate Sustainability department, which is also responsible for sustainability reporting.  GRI 2-1, GRI 2-6, GRI 2-9 Identification of key issues The interests of both internal and external stakeholders were taken into account when identifying topics. Specifically, we focus on the following peer groups: – Shareholders – Management Board – Customers and their clients – Employees – Suppliers – Local population – Science – The general public – Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) – Government – Supervisory institutions  GRI 2-26, GRI 2-27, GRI 2-29, GRI 413-1 36 37 1. Blue World 2. Strategy and Management 3. Climate Protection and Resource Efficiency 4. Technical Education 5. People at Festo 6. Ethics and Governance 7. GRI Index 8. Report Profile Festo SE & Co. KG Sustainability Report 2023 Festo SE & Co. KG Sustainability Report 2023