
GRI 305-1: Direct greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1, t CO2e) GRI 302-1c: Final energy (electricity, district heating, MWh) Energy consumption in relation to sales (MWh/million €) GRI 305-2: Indirect energy-related greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 2, t CO2e) GRI 305-4: Greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1 and Scope 2), in relation to sales (t CO2e/€ million) 120 90 60 30 0 126,202 60 40 20 0 53.7 15 5 0 3.8 10 GRI 302-1a: Primary energy (heating oil, diesel, gas, MWh) 80 60 40 20 0 69,852 13,471 2021 2022 2023 30 20 10 0 0 2021 2022 2023 15 10 5 0 86,690 79,683 18,507 16,563 141,851 140,623 33,400 31,744 68.0 57.8 15.4 12.7 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2021 2022 2023 2022 2023 3.2 Sustainability at Our Locations Primary energy consumption and Scope 1 greenhouse gas emissions Under primary energy consumption, we document the consumption of heating oil and natural gas caused by the operation of our buildings and, to a much lesser extent, by some of our production processes. It also includes the fuel consumption of the largely leased vehicle fleet. In addition, self-generated renewable energies are listed under primary energies. We report on the CO2 emissions caused by fossil fuels accordingly in Scope 1.  GRI 302-1a Our production processes do not cause any direct emissions of other greenhouse gases (e.g. process emissions). Refrigerant emissions from cooling and refrigeration systems are negligible compared to CO2 emissions. They are therefore not reported on. In 2023, primary energy demand amounted to 69,852 megawatt-hours, a decrease of 12 percent compared to the previous year. This is due to several effects. At the German locations, for example, savings measures in connection with the gas shortage led to significantly lower consumption. A milder winter resulted in lower consumption at all European locations. In addition, the economic situation also affected primary consumption – for example, due to closing days Scope 1 emissions are mainly derived from fossil fuels in primary energy consumption. Simply shifting between the different energy sources such as heating oil, natural gas, diesel, and petrol can lead to slight deviations. The influencing factors are correspondingly identical to those of primary energy consumption.  GRI 305-1 Scope 1 emissions are shown in the second diagram on the right and amounted to 13,471 metric tons of CO2 equivalent emissions in 2023. We have been offsetting these emissions for the production and logistics network since 2023. Final energy consumption and derived Scope 2 emissions Festo obtains its final energy almost exclusively in the form of electricity. Two locations are heated by district heating. The associated emissions are reported in Scope 2.  GRI 302-1c The final energy demand in 2023 amounted to 126,202 megawatt hours, which is 10 percent lower than in the previous year. In addition to economic factors, this was achieved primarily by internal energy-saving measures. Scope 2 emissions caused by final energy demand have fallen to zero due to the purchase of green electricity. The purchase of district heating causes 270 metric tons of CO2e emissions. As these are compensated, they are set to zero.  GRI 302-1, 305-2 Total energy demand in relation to sales (primary and final energy) fell by seven percent year-on-year to a record low of 53.7 megawatt hours per million euros. Scope 1 and 2 sales-related emissions fell sharply yearon-year at 70 percent to the lowest figure ever of 3.8 metric tons CO2e million euros in sales. As a result, there is now a decoupling of both energy requirements and greenhouse gas emissions from sales. The much faster development of emissions is due to the purchase of green electricity. In addition, in-house power generation with photovoltaic systems was further expanded.  GRI 302-4, GRI 305-4, GRI 305-5 50 51 1. Blue World 2. Strategy and Management 3. Climate Protection and Resource Efficiency 4. Technical Education 5. People at Festo 6. Ethics and Governance 7. GRI Index 8. Report Profile Festo SE & Co. KG Sustainability Report 2023 Festo SE & Co. KG Sustainability Report 2023