Procurement emissions Greenhouse gas emissions from the manufacture of individual materials vary considerably. Alongside aluminum, other-brand products and nonproduction materials have the greatest impact. Preliminary calculations show that 351,103 metric tons of CO2e were emitted in the production of purchased materials and the use of services in 2023. The aluminum CO2e footprint was recorded taking into account the countries of origin and, to a large extent, the alloy. For the first time, supplier data was also taken into account. In 2023, emissions of 67,082 metric tons were generated (2022: 90,815 metric tons). Compared to the previous year, merchandise was included in the overall balance sheet for the first time. The quality of the data, particularly with regard to purchased electronic parts, was further improved. As part of Festo’s holistic CO2e reduction strategy, concepts for reducing Scope 3.1 emissions are currently being developed. These focus on material savings in the development phase, the procurement of low-CO2e materials and the strengthening of the circular economy. In Hungary, Festo was able to melt aluminum waste directly into the required raw materials, bypass various intermediate steps, and significantly reduce CO2 emissions. The concept is to be extended to the German production facilities. GRI 302-5 Reduction of transport emissions The measures started in 2021 to reduce transport- related greenhouse gas emissions and other air pollu tants were continued and expanded. Following the pilot project for the RSC Midwest delivery center (Mason, Ohio), a further 320 metric tons of airfreight were avoided on the route between Germany and the United States. On the routes Germany–China, China–Korea, and China–Australia, 40 metric tons of freight were transferred from aircraft to ship for the first time. Sea freight arriving at the Port of Hamburg is transported by train instead of by truck to the central distribution warehouse in Saarland. These measures, which have been taken since 2021, reduce emissions by around 2,300 metric tons of CO2e per year. This does not take into account the fact that, unlike airfreight, emissions from sea freight do not contribute to the formation of high clouds and are therefore less damaging to the climate. GRI 305-3 As part of our holistic CO2e reduction strategy, our aluminum footprint emissions were reduced from 91,545 metric tons to 68,738 metric tons. 64 65 1. Blue World 2. Strategy and Management 3. Climate Protection and Resource Efficiency 4. Technical Education 5. People at Festo 6. Ethics and Governance 7. GRI Index 8. Report Profile Festo SE & Co. KG Sustainability Report 2023 Festo SE & Co. KG Sustainability Report 2023