GRI 405-1: Diversity by nationality in 2023. Nationalities at Festo 98 Total Festo Group 29 Americas 30 Asia 69 Europe (without Germany) 71 Germany 5.2 Diversity Diversity is a key success factor at Festo and not only shapes society – but also our corporate culture. Diversity and the appreciation for people in their uniqueness, from different cultures, and with individual lifestyles and abilities have been part of Festo’s corporate culture ever since it was founded. You can find out more about diversity at Festo and the Diversity Charter at: Diversity by nationality Our belief is that diverse teams are more creative and perform better than homogeneous groups. Especially when it comes to the backgrounds of our team members, we continuously draw on cultural diversity, which we see as an enrichment for our workforce and a prerequisite for our long-term success. In 2023, employees of 98 nationalities worked together successfully at Festo. Society is changing, and this transformation is also reflected in the working environment – as demonstrated by globalization, demographic change, and technolo- gical innovations. We cannot afford to stand still in our dealings with one another. Concepts of life change as a result of various factors, such as changing professions, family and career, flexibility in the workplace, and lifelong learning. GRI 2-24 Diversity management The topic of diversity is also relevant to the sustainability strategy and contributes to the UN Sustainable Development Goals 5, 8, and 10. GRI 2-24 In 2023, we continued the activities we started with the creation of a diversity and inclusion role in Germany. In doing so, we oriented ourselves around the diversity dimensions of the Diversity Charter and focused our activities on the dimension of gender and gender identity in 2023. With the aim of promoting equal opportunities at Festo and supporting female managers and high-potential employees in their individual development and career planning, the Female Empowerment Program was designed in 2023 and piloted with 15 participants. Diversity according to age and gender In 2023, a total of 1,171 people were employed in upper and middle management (E, F1, and F2 levels) worldwide. This corresponds to about 5.6 percent of the total workforce. This figure remained steady in 2023. The breakdown in section 5.1 “Employee Development” on page 82 shows the diversity in terms of age and gender across management bodies and among employees. GRI 405-1 The feedback on the program was very positive and led us to continue the program in 2024. We are convinced that, with the Female Empowerment Program, we are making an important and appropriate contribution to supporting female employees in their development even more strongly in the future. To achieve this goal, we also want to create better framework conditions in the future that allow us to offer women attractive alternatives in their development. Management positions on a part-time basis or as shared leadership positions are concepts that we are already implementing today. Our experience in this area has been very positive, and we are convinced that we are on the right track. In addition, we also focused on internal HR processes in 2023 – for example, with our recruiting and talent management processes. As a result, we defined various measures to achieve equal opportunities and thus promote greater diversification in the workforce. Our journey to greater diversity and inclusion continues: we remain committed to an inclusive corporate culture that recognizes and embraces diversity as one of our greatest strengths. 86 87 1. Blue World 2. Strategy and Management 3. Climate Protection and Resource Efficiency 4. Technical Education 5. People at Festo 6. Ethics and Governance 7. GRI Index 8. Report Profile Festo SE & Co. KG Sustainability Report 2023 Festo SE & Co. KG Sustainability Report 2023