Pneumatic implementation
of a category 2 solution
In this example, the parts
relevant for the safety function
are also used for the normal
controller of the system. This is
used for testing. If this is not
possible, it is easier to
implement Category 3 for many
solutions in pneumatic safety
controls, even if a Category 2
would actually be sufficient, as
the safety function for this is
implemented via diversity and
not using 100x testing.
Feedback of the controller via the PLC
Feedback of the safety door
switch to S-PLC
Safety switch
Testing should not trigger a hazard.
Sporadic manipulation after more
than 100 cycles. Manipulation via
the safety door.
The circuit must be tested at
least 100 times before the
safety function is
requested. This test of the
pneumatic components
must be performed without
causing hazards.
Category 2 application: Pick & Place