Order Festo spare parts in the spare parts catalog

You can quickly find the right spare part by using the part number, order code, type, product key or the scanned data matrix code. You will then see all the available spare parts in the smart spare parts catalog and can place the part you need in the shopping basket. Interactive close-up views help during the selection process. We also provide repair and installation instructions as well as an overview of the matching accessories.

There are several ways to do this:

You need a spare part and know the part number, the order code, the type, the product key or optionally the series number of the spare part you are looking for?

Then stay in the first tab "Spare parts catalog" and enter one of these characteristics in the search bar.

The adjacent figure will help you to determine the optional serial number. You can also see where you can find which information on a Festo product.

The product is installed or you only have a photo at hand?

Then click on the photo icon at the right end of the search bar. With the type plate recognition you can simply take a photo or upload a photo directly from your device. The system tries to read the part number, the order code or the data matrix code from the type plate. If the identification is unique, the product will be displayed immediately.

Product key
Order code
Product key
Order code
Manufacturing yearSample Type Plate E4 = April 2014
N .....U 2006B 2011H 2016N 2021
P 2002V 2007C 2012J 2017P 2022
R 2003W 2008D 2013K 2018R 2023
S 2004X 2009E 2014L 2019S 2024
T 2005A 2010F 2015M 2020T 2025
Manufacturing month
1 January5 May9 September
2 February6 JuneO October
3 March7 JulyN November
4 April8 AugustD December

You know the part number of the spare part, but you do not know in which products it is used?

Then click on the "Spare parts usage" tab and enter the part number in the search bar. On the results page, you can also order matching products here.

You would like to modify valve terminals or service unit combinations MSB?

Then, in the third tab "Modification Aid", enter the order code or product key of the existing product and the order code of the target product. This way you can compare parts that need to be added or removed.

Festo AX Smartenance

Optimizing maintenance/service – quickly and easily by app

With AX Smartenance, the CMMS software for maintenance and servicing can:

  • take care of maintenance and documentation in a paperless manner.
  • provide centralized access to documents such as circuit diagrams and drawings.
  • increase the availability of equipment.
  • minimize downtimes.
  • increase productivity.

Find out more now!