Page 20 - Safety engineering guidelines. Pneumatic and electric solutions

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Sistema software from the Institute for Occupational Health
and Safety [Institut für Arbeitsschutz (IFA)]
The SISTEMA software assistant (safety of controllers in machinery)
provides support in evaluating the safety of controllers as part of
DIN EN ISO 13849-1. The Windows tool maps the structure of the
safety-related control parts (SRP/CS, Safety-Related Parts of a
Control System) on the basis of the designated architectures and
calculates reliability values at various levels of detail, including
the Performance Level (PL) reached. The software is available
as a free download from the following link:
Sistema database from Festo
The Sistema software is only the tool for performing the safety
engineering evaluations. This is based on databases with
safety-related specifications for products and solutions.
There are numerous libraries on the homepage of the IFA.
The library of Festo’s safety engineering coefficients are available
to download on Festo’s homepage:
Safety engineering coefficients – Sistema library