(A)ADNHhigh-force cylinders
clamp theaxle in thesystemas if
itwerescrewedonto thevehicle.
(B)Powerful argument:
of thehigh-force cylinders lies in the
sequenceof up to four cylinderswith
thesamepistondiameter andstroke.
Securely clamped
Integrateddirectly in theproductionpro-
cessof the carmanufacturer, linear con-
veyor technology transports theaxleona
workpiece carrier through themachine in
either a longitudinal or a transversedirec-
tion. A lifting frame that canbe lowered
directlyabove theaxleholdsall of the
Festocomponentsand the tools foradjust-
ing trackand camber. After theaxle is
clamped, counterholdersswivel under the
subframemountsof theaxle, and later
provide theattachment points for the car
body. ADNHhigh-force cylinderswitha
pistondiameter of 100mm clamp theaxle
at four positionsasaccuratelyas if itwere
screwedonto thevehicle. Theadvantage
of theADNHhigh-force cylinders is in the
series connectionof two, threeor four cy
linderswith thesamepistondiameter and
stroke. Thismeans that, compared toa
conventional cylinder, the force canbe
doubled, tripledorevenquadrupledduring
theadvancestroke. A FestoSMATsensor
onaguideunit detects the level of the
wheel hub.Theheightatwhichaslideunit
mustmove to theaxle can thusbedeter-
Fast adjustment
In thenext step, grippersdrivenbyADNH
high-force cylinders clamp themselves to
thehubs.Spring replacementdevicesactu-
atedbyelectricmotors thendriveagainst
theaxleandautomatically locate the
positionswhere thespringswill later sit.
Next, theaxle ispulsedunder load to
achieve thesettingbehaviour on the rub-
bermountingsand joints. Theaxle is then
moved to theK0position. This is the ideal
positionof theaxleandcorresponds to the
normal load,when thevehicle is loaded
withadefinedweight. The trackand cam-
ber aremeasured in thisposition,witha
pneumatic cylindermovingdirectly to the
brakedisc.Theadjustingscrewsare lo
cated independentlyusing trackand cam-
ber screwdrivers thatarealsosuppliedvia
pneumatic cylinders. Themachinedetects