trends in automation - page 39

Fast andprecise:
thesystem formanufacturing
infusionbagsproducesup to6,500unitsper hour.
henmanufacturingbags for
medical fluids, extremepre-
speedsareof theutmost
importance. Thesystemsproducedby
Kiefel GmbHmeet both requirements. The
companyspecialises indevelopingand
buildingsystems for thermoformingand
joiningpolymer filmsand isaglobal tech-
nology leader. Itsmachines formanufac-
turing infusionbagsbasedon the contact
weldingmethodproduceup to6,500bags
per hour,whilesystems formakingblood
bagsbasedon thehigh-frequencywelding
methodproduceup to2,500units. Inno-
vativepneumatic components from Festo
canbe found inall Kiefelmachines. The
extremely compact one-wayflow control
valvesVFOF-LE-BAHwith their three-in-one
functionnot onlysaveonassembly time,
but also reduce installationspace require-
Festo right down the line
Thenewone-wayflow control valvesnot
only control thepistonspeedof cylinders,
but alsoallowan intermediatestop ina
predefinedposition. Partscanbeheldand
processed in thispositionand lowering in
theevent of the compressedair beingdis-
connectedbriefly canbeprevented. To re-
ducepotential risksasper theMachinery
Directive2006/42/EC, amanual exhaust
function isusedwhichswitches thedrive
to theenergy-freestate if the compressed
air supplyhasbeendisconnected. Along
withVFOF-LE-BAH, anumberofother Festo
componentsensureefficient pneumatic
processes inKiefel systems.These include
serviceunits for compressedair prepar­
ation, valve terminalsand individual valves
and cylinders. The latter areused, for
example, tomove thegrippers for feeding
thefilmand tooperatepunching, emboss-
ing, printingandweldingequipment.
Saves installationspace:
flow control valveVFOF-LE-BAH.
trends inautomation
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