trends in automation - page 33

Heinrich-Hertz-Str. 52
Areaof business:
Automationspecialist for all
productionwork relating toaxles,
chassisandsimilar tasks
Tokeep tubingandwiringeffort
theCPX-VTSAvalve terminalsareattacheddirectly
to the lifting frameof thesystem.
“Thanks to theFestovalve terminals
wehavebeenable to reduce the
installationand tubingeffort in the
system toaminimum.”
ValerioLoi, ProjectManagement, AuE
the relative futurepositionof thewheels
automaticallyusing theprobes. Thead-
justing toolsadjust the trackand camber
values in real timeand counterwith the
final screwing torque.The tools thenmove
awayand theaxle isplacedbackon the
workpiece carrier. Thesystem references
itself comparedwithamaster gauge in
specified cycles.
Toavoidhaving to interrupt theproduction
processduringmachinemaintenance, the
machine canbemoved from the conveyor
technologyarea toaspecially created
maintenanceareavia racksandguide rails.
Intelligent supply
Aspecial featureof thenewmachineare
thevalve terminals installeddirectlyon
lifting framesandvertical slides; this
reduces theeffort required for tubingand
wiring toaminimum. The lifting frame
that picksup theaxlehas twoVTSAvalve
terminalswithCPX inputmodules, separ­
ated into the left and right side. In thever-
tical slide,which carries thehubgripper,
thereare twosmallerVTSAvalve terminals
with four valveseach,which control all
theactuatorsbeneath theenergy chainof
theslide. Thanks to thissolution, asupply
tube, apower supplyandabussystem
areall that areneeded.
trends inautomation
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