Bymoving lotsandeatinghealthily.
Sport hasalwaysbeenabigpart ofmy
life. Evenwhen Iwasveryyoung, I played
badminton. I also love cycling, running
andswimming. Sodoingadegree insportsscience, spe-
cialising inhealthmanagement,was thebest choice for
me.What I really likeabout sport is that itmakesyou feel
aliveand that you feel greatbothduringandafterexercise.
It is this feelingof positivity that I try to convey tomy col-
leagues inmy job inCompanyHealthPromotionat Festo.
Since2012,my twocolleaguesand I havebeendeveloping
newhealthconceptsand implementingour ideas invarious
campaigns.Ourmain focus isonadoptingaholistic
approach tohealth.Wesupportemployees in lookingafter
their healthbyofferinga rangeof different fitness courses.
Wealsoprovideadviceonwhat theycando to improve their
healthandwellbeing in theworkplace; this includescorrect
posture, usingbreaksasabriefmomentof relaxation, occa-
sional backexercisesand, of course, healthyeating. Festo
alsoprovidesspecial cooking classes in the company can-
teenaswell asanextensive rangeof nutritionworkshops.
Weadditionallyorganise lectureson topicssuchashealthy
sleephabits, cancer screeningandmemory training.
Inmy job it iscrucial that I communicateapositiveattitude
towardshealth throughexerciseandnutrition. Youwon’t
achieveanythingbymerelypointingafinger. Inmyexperi-
ence, thebestway tomotivatepeople isbysettingagood
example– inmy case I emphasise the importanceof being
active. Forexample, I take thestairs insteadof the liftwhen-
ever possibleandprefer togoandspeak tomy colleagues
inperson rather than call them frommydesk. Small steps
like these canmakeabigdifference toyour health.
stayfit, Julia?
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